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When I wake, I suspiciously have no recollection of any dreams, if I had any, from last night. The morning goes ok, yet I am drained. I don't have any energy; an extra four-shot expresso only anxiety.

I don't finish the coffee and instead dump it out in the sink. I try to play with Jewels, but I can't focus on anything but the anxiety I feel. WHY did I drink coffee this morning with so many shots? I grab my phone and look up ways to lower anxiety from coffee drinking. The web says to drink water and move; guess a walk is in order.

I notice Jewels rolling on the ground; maybe I can take her for a walk. I strap up her harness and leash, packing a walk bag and fruit for her. I pull on a t-shirt and shorts; I finally feel confident again now that the snowflakes are gone. All I have to worry about are my eyes.

I grab a pair of sunglasses, going through a couple until I find one big enough to feel secure. I throw on trainers and a hoodie; I look like every influencer ever caught walking their pets. I fill up a water bottle, taking Jewels in my arms as we go downstairs and the elevator. I call for the valet and drive us to the park I stopped at with Kid Ritz.

It's just as quiet and serene as I hoped it would be; perfect. I put Jewels down, letting her sniff the grass. She runs around, squeaking softly as we walk a trail.

I notice the trail is a big heart, with the playground in the center. We walk a few laps, my heart feeling better now that I'm moving. Jewels stops and sniffs every little flower and plant, but I don't mind.

I take a few videos of her, as well as some pictures. An idea pops into my head as I notice no one on the playground.

I walk Jewels over, letting her loose. She goes feral, jumping, hanging, swinging from all the bars, and swings on the jungle gym.

She squeaks happily, jumping up and down. I film her, taking a little photoshoot of her playing around. As she plays, I take a moment to reflect. I've been so jittery, and I don't think it's from the coffee. Ever since that night with Dom, I've been restless. It's been hard to sleep, apart from the drama that's happened.

I haven't stopped and taken the time to realize that... I just don't feel right. It's not normal for me to have so much energy in my body that... just doesn't feel like energy. I can't rationalize it in my brain, and I guess I shouldn't try to. I'm probably just worked up and confused from everything.

As Jewels slows her pace, I try to calm down. I take deep breaths, pushing my shakiness aside. It's probably just my body trying to cope with everything. I'll be fine. Eventually, Jewels seems to get tired and sits down on the slide. I climb up and grab her.

Ven: "Come here, you little monkey. Let's go home."

Jewels: "OO"

I clip her leash back on, yet I can't help but laugh as she continues to sit.

Ven: "C'mon Jewels. Do you want me to carry you?"

She holds her little arms up; I guess she's drained. I have no problem carrying my little princess anywhere she wants. I scoop her in my arms, rubbing my face in her belly.

She gives little kicks and squeaks, sounding like she's laughing. As we start our walk back to the car, I feel like someone is watching me.

I stop, looking around. The park is quiet; there hasn't been one Rageon here since we arrived. I'm unsure how often the park is full since I've only been here one other time... but it is a Saturday and late morning. Instead of the park feeling tranquil, it's now got a sinister underlining to it.

I brush it off and walk us the rest of the way to the car. I strap Jewels into her carrier for her safety and pull off back towards the "High Tide."

As we drive, my phone buzzes. At a red light, I open my phone to see notifications with pictures of me... at the park.

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