The Bop On Top

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I wake up to a particular monkey jumping around my bed, hopping over to me once she notices I'm awake.

Jewels: "Oo!"

She jumps up and down in front of me, acting more squirrelly than usual.

Ven: "Good morning to you too. You hungry?"

She jumps off my bed, bouncing over to the door. I follow after her, letting her lead me to the kitchen. I get out her fruit, feeding her while casually scrolling through my phone.

I see RIVAL has followed me on Instagram and reposted my post to their story. I follow them back, excited to have them on my side. Jewels finishes her fruit, hopping off the kitchen counter excitedly.

Ven: "You're a happy little monkey today, aren't you."

She squeaks at me, jumping off the back of the couch.

Ven: "Why don't we go on a run, huh?"

She squeaks even more, only stopping once I put her in her leash and harness. We go downstairs, completing a successful run to get her tired. Of course, I carry her back upstairs, putting her in her cage to nap before we leave for the interview. 

I hop in the shower, taking my time to smell as good as possible. Once I'm out, I get my contacts in, grateful I don't have to worry about makeup. I pull on simple sweats and a T-shirt, adding my white trainers to finish the look.

I flop on my bed, scrolling through eBay for the millionth day in a row, when I finally come across what I've been looking for for so long. I buy it immediately, a huge smile crossing my face. It'll arrive just in time for Saturday, which I couldn't be happier about.


Ven: "YEAH!"

I hear Velv walk downstairs, prompting me to get up and grab Jewels. She's still sleepy as I put her back into her harness and leash, falling back asleep as soon as she's in her carrier.

I grab my tote, throwing in a ring pop and pack of gum. We head downstairs, meeting with Velv to go down to the valet. The drive to "The Bop on Top" news station is relatively quick, where we're met with a small building and parking lot.

We head inside, greeted by a front desk lady who escorts us to the back of the building. A small hair and makeup section is set up with two assistants ready to work on us. Velv and I get the same glam we got for the video, as well as getting dressed in our iconic gold outfits.

Just as we finish touch-ups, Kid Ritz walks in, holding and reviewing question cards. He looks up, spying me before walking over excitedly.

Kid Ritz: "Hi, sweetie! You look so good!"

He kisses my forehead, looking me over.

Ven: "I love your sweats! You look so cool."

Kid Ritz: "Why, thank you. I'll talk to you soon, alright? Can't wait!"

He boops my nose gently, walking away to talk to some of the film crew.

I stare after him, having my attention brought back to my monkey waking up in her carrier next to me. I take her out, holding her on my lap so she can see everything. Her big eyes look around curiously, yet she does very well sitting still and quietly.

As we watch the film crew set up, a door opens, and Crimp scurries through. She scurries right up to me, smiling happily at Jewels.

Ven: "Hey, Crimp, how's it going?"

Crimp: "Great, thank you for asking! Do you know how excited I get when I see Jewels? She reminds me just of the pets I had back in junior high when I-"

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