My Funny Valentine

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The weekend rolls around, ending relatively calm. By Tuesday, my feeds are still flooded with questions, conspiracies, and media on my relationship with Dom, but I ignore it. 

Ven: "Hop over."

Jewels bounces over, sitting patiently while I brush her. It has become something we both enjoy, as it's calming and helps to keep her fur soft and shiny.

As I brush, I see a notification from an unknown number.

Unknown: *Hi, sweet thing. This is Ritz. Got a new number, testing things out.*

I like the message and text back a heart emoji. 

Kid Ritz: *Would you want to go out with me tomorrow? I want to spend the day with you and take you to places we can enjoy before things get wild with the show.*

Ven: *Sounds wonderful.*

Kid Ritz: *I have a great day planned out. Be ready to leave at ten tomorrow morning. We'll be out all day, but I promise it will be fun.*

I like the message, feeling excited. I spend the rest of the day cleaning the apartment; it's already messy after our maid was here. That's what happens with two teens, a monkey and... no, Floyd is clean.

I go to bed happy, ready to spend the day with my boyfriend. I wake up early and take an everything shower. I'm a bit worn out once I'm done, but it was worth it; I smell like a little cookie, which I've proudly come to deem as my favorite scent.

I change into a black top, brown pants, and black crystal boots in my closet. I do my makeup and add my hoop last. I feel cute as a button, playing in the mirror with selfies.

Kid Ritz: *I'm here, sweet thing.*

I like the message and drop Jewels off in Velv's room before going downstairs. I expect to see Kid Ritz in his old, broken-down car, yet I'm met with a luxury vehicle. Kid Ritz waits against the car, his arms crossed. He's dressed immaculately well compared to what I'm used to, a stark comparison to his streetwear.

Kid Ritz: *Hi, sweet thing. You look wonderful.*

He pulls me in for a hug, yet it's a little rough. I ignore it and hug him back happily. He opens the passenger side for me and helps me in. He gets into the front seat and pulls off very quickly.

Ven: "When did you get a new car? It's a nice upgrade from your old one."

Kid Ritz: "Oh... I... rented this. Just to... uh... make today more special."

Ven: "Oh, that's so sweet of you! You didn't have to do that. This must have cost a lot!"

Kid Ritz: "Nothing is too much for you, babe."

My heart skips a beat; babe? YUCK. Oh well... he has been calling me "sweet thing"... maybe he's testing out names. 

We drive until we reach an outdoor restaurant. Kid Ritz opens my door for me and leads me inside. He takes me to a beautiful garden terrace dining area, where a table is set up. Scones, tea, and small breakfast finger foods await; fresh flowers and greenery in a bouquet on the center of the table. 

Butterflies fly around, with light wind swirling by; it's beautiful. Kid Ritz pulls my chair out for me, being the perfect gentleman. 

Ven: "Do you know if these are vegan?"

Kid Ritz: "Why does that matter? Just eat what you want."

His response shocks me; ever since the quesadillas, he's always asked me if it's ok for me to eat something. I brush it off; maybe he didn't realize how... blunt... that was. I sip my tea, enjoying the quiet nature.

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