Mirror Mirror

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I take a deep breath, whipping my head up to see... nothing.

I stare at myself, yet the mirror is so foggy from the shower I can't see much. I breathe heavily, trying to keep myself under control.


I jump as my reflection bangs its against the glass, seemingly laughing. I open the bathroom door, not even having to call Kid Ritz as he's already walking towards me.

Kid Ritz: "What's going... oh."

We watch my reflection hit harder and harder on the glass, ramming its shoulder at the mirror as if trying to break through. I grab Kid Ritz's hand, scared to death by the horrible smile displayed on my reflection. It scares me so much that I flinch back hard, unable to tear my eyes away.

Eventually, I find a little bravery, trying to make my voice sound as commanding and serious as I can

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Eventually, I find a little bravery, trying to make my voice sound as commanding and serious as I can.

Ven: "You need to stop. Leave us alone!"

My reflection looks up at me, smiling evilly before continuing the incessant banging. I look around the bathroom, an idea forming in my mind. I walk to the edge of the bathroom, where, through the mirror, I can see the shower head. I imagine it turning on through the reflection, my heart rate picking up as it does.

I envision the water steaming past boiling. Through the mirror, the showerhead does as I imagine, jetting out hot steam. My reflection looks at the water, the smile dropping from its face. I then envision the shower head turning towards my reflection.

It does what I want, spraying boiling water at my reflection. My reflection screams, yet no sound is heard. He falls to the ground, steam rising from where he was standing.

I imagine the water going for a few more seconds, eventually having it stop. I wait with bated breath for something to happen, yet all there is in the mirror is steam rising from the floor. I tear my eyes away, looking at Kid Ritz. His face is stunned, only meeting my eyes once he notices me looking at him.

Kid Ritz: "I... I don't understand what just happened."

Ven: "To take my shower, I imagined the water pressure and temperature the way I wanted it, and it worked."

I turn on the shower, letting him feel and see for himself. He stares at the water in amazement, looking back at me with wide eyes.

Ven: "I was getting changed when tapping noises started. I realized it was coming from the mirror. It turned to bangs and... you know the rest."

A hot blush runs across my face as I realize I'm still shirtless. I pull on the t-shirt, embarrassed that this all happened with me half-naked.

Kid Ritz: "Well... I'm guessing you used your magic... through the mirror?"

I look into the bathroom through the mirror, seeing the showerhead smoking.

Ven: "Yeah, I envisioned what I wanted to happen... and it did. I'm unsure why or how... but it stopped my reflection."

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