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Soft fuzz tickles my face. Then again, and again. My eyes open slowly to two big, glittery pink eyes staring at me. Jewels sniffs all over my face, poking my cheeks.

She hugs me, and as she does, her fur glows. Immediate warmth washes over my body, making me feel warmer than I have all week. Jewels gives me small licks, moving to sit on my head. I laugh, picking her up and cradling her.

I realize I'm in my bed; how did I get here? I look around, seeing Velv asleep on my couch. Floyd is also curled up on a little ball on my table, sleeping. I stand up, walking over to them with Jewels. I shake Velv awake, getting surprised with a tight hug.

Velv: "You're awake! Floyd tried to wake you up, but we couldn't. You are SO hard to move; felt like I was carrying a dead body. Ugh, and you were drooling and mumbling; so feral."

She punches my arm, crossing hers, though looking very relieved. I laugh, sitting on my couch beside her.

Ven: "Jewels woke me up and made me feel warm again. Thank you for carrying me up here; I'm sorry I passed out. I... guess "The Chill" really got to me."

Velv: "Yeah, it was scary, but I assumed that's what it was. Floyd suggested we call Kid Ritz, but I don't have his number. I would have dm'd him but I fell asleep."

I laugh; even in a dire situation, she chooses to sleep.

Ven: "Well, thank you for at least thinking about messaging him. I have to update him anyway. Did Jewels eat?"

Velv: "I fed her after I dragged you up here, though I guess I fell asleep before closing her cage. I don't even remember falling asleep; it just happened."

Ven: "Well, I should probably call Kid Ritz. He must be worried."

Velv: "I plugged in your phone; it's by your bed. I'm going to take Floyd back to my room."

The little troll sits up, looking tired. He climbs into Velv's hand, the two leaving my room.

I find my phone, seeing a few calls and messages from Kid Ritz.

Friday; Kid Ritz: *Quesadilla and I say good luck :8*

Friday; Kid Ritz: *I'm going to bed, don't be mad if I answer your call with snores {:)*

Saturday: Kid Ritz: *Veneer, cariño, are you ok? I don't want to be pushy, but I'm worried, considering how last time went.*

I call Kid Ritz right away, feeling horrible I scared him.

Kid Ritz: "Veneer! Oh, I was so worried! What happened? Are you alright?"

Ven: "I'm so sorry. The dinner went great, I can fill you in, but the minute I stepped outside of Rollie's apartment, I got hit with "The Chill". I got so cold I couldn't move, and Velv had to drive. When we got to the apartment, I passed out from the cold. Velv, Floyd, and I just woke up... we slept all night and up until now, which looking at my phone... is twelve."

Kid Ritz: "That's crazy! I called yesterday and this morning but didn't want to push you further if it didn't go well."

Ven: "I appreciate it so much. I only woke up because... somehow, Jewels hugged me... and gave me heat. I finally feel warm again. I felt so cold... so hollow, it was terrifying. Velv had to drag me upstairs, though she and Floyd fell asleep right after feeding Jewels. We're lucky Velv didn't close her cage; we might not have woken up. We have the shoot today at 2, so I'm glad we didn't over sleep."

Kid Ritz: "I would have broken down your door if you didn't call me within the next two hours. I'm sorry if I'm being... a lot; I was just genuinely scared."

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