Moving Day

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A soft object lands on my face, startling me awake. Looking down, I can see the couch pillow Velv slept on in my lap. Velv stands over me, grabbing the pillow back from me. 

Velv: "Get up, Ven, it's moving day!"

Groaning, I stand up, my back sore from sleeping on the armchair. Velv's already dressed in the outfit I laid out for her; I should do the same.

Running upstairs, I slip on the hoodie and shorts I laid out, tossing my clothes from before in a plastic bag with Velv's. 


The movers must be here... I can't believe this is happening!

I run downstairs, seeing Velv letting in the movers. Five movers in total stroll by me, picking up the boxes I previously struggled to move with ease. Where were these guys yesterday? It could have saved me from needing a trip to the chiro. I stand with Velv in the kitchen, watching as she shows me Floyd and his bottle hidden back in her purse.

We wait for no more than ten minutes before they have all of our stuff packed, the only things left being us. 

Mover: "All your things will be loaded in your new flat immediately. Everything is paid for by MRS. Have a good day!"

The mover hands me a card, tipping his hat on the way out.

*Welcome to the "High Tide"; Luxury Flats, Luxury Lives*

The card is beautiful, with purple palm leaves bordering the printed, sleek font. Below the tagline is our address, literally next door to Jaye's flat. This must be our new place. I hand Velv the card, feeling very excited.

Velv: "Wow! Let's follow the movers; I don't want them confusing my things or losing them."

Velv grabs her purse and Floyd while I get the plastic bags with our clothes. Velv runs out the door to the car without giving the apartment a second glance. I look over the empty walls one last time, patting the door frame before leaving.

We pull off, following directions to the new flat. I watch as the businesses around us turn into high-end brands and highly rated restaurants and services. At last, we reach our flat, pulling up to a valet area. I show him my ID, and he smiles, taking my keys before parking our car. 

Velv and I walk past tall glass doors into our new lobby within the "High Tide." The lobby is beautifully decorated, with a cute, beachy theme following after the name. The air smells amazingly fresh and fruity; the place is very aesthetically pleasing. Walking to the desk, I notice a small, brown creature sitting on one of the lobby's couches. It's funny-looking, with crimped, paper-esque hair. I ignore them, turning my attention to the front desk lady.

Ven: "Hello, I am Veneer, and this is Velvet. Mount Rageous Starz Management sent us to come here?"

Desk Lady: "Yes! We were told to expect you two today! Your flat is ready; the movers have already checked in with us. Your assistant is waiting for you over there on the couch; she will take you upstairs as we've already shown her the lot. Have a good day, and welcome to the "High Tide"!

Velv's and my heads snap simultaneously over to the brown creature. Thanking the desk lady, Velv leads us over to the brown creature. 


Crimp jumps up, literally scurrying over to us. I jump behind Velv, afraid of her. 

Crimp: "Follow me, you two, it's time to see your new flat!"

Crimp scurries past, running to the elevators. As she presses the button, I give Velv a look. Shrugging her shoulders, she follows after Crimp.

It's very uncomfortable, as the elevator is shiny, our reflections staring back at us. I try to ignore Crimp staring at me through the reflection... but it's a little hard not to. I watch Crimp jump to press the 18th and top floor, landing loudly.

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