Buying Bottles

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Kid Ritz looks at me, serious and concerned.

Ven: "A month ago, Velvet and I were in our old apartment when we found... a troll. Velvet learned we could use their magic, and... he's the reason we perform so well. We're just... talentless succubi that have been... torturing a little troll to use his magic. We have spritzed him from a perfume bottle for our performances and recording. Crimp, our assistant, found out. Velvet was going to throw her into the fireplace while it was on, but... Crimp saved herself by making Sammy sick so he couldn't perform. We found out he had been using trolls for years after Crimp told us, so we agreed that we wouldn't kill or fire her, and in turn, she had to help us get to the Rage Dome. Right now, I told Velvet that after the Rage Dome, I would be done. I can't keep living a lie; she called me out for spending so much. We... we cried together for the first time since leaving our parents. Then... Floyd, our troll, he... he said he would help us. I've... I've lied to you about him. It's the whole reason I got Jewels. I literally got her yesterday to try to give my lies some substance. When you came over, the extra food was for Floyd. I... I couldn't tell you what was going on because... I wanted to be selfish and keep everything that I have."

I finish, crying even more. Kid Ritz looks down, not meeting my eyes.

Kid Ritz: "So... you trapped a little troll to use his magic for fame? You bought a baby monkey to hide your lies better, and you watched as your sister threatened to kill your assistant?"

He says it quietly, sounding hurt.

Ven: "Yes... that's everything that's happened over the past month and leading up to now. I... we, thought we could get away with it... but I realize how sick that is."

Kid Ritz: "Yeah... it is. I had to quit everything and my plans to go to college so I could stay home with Mama. Dad left right after graduation, and she has declined so much. I happened upon my job after doing two small radio gigs. I want to be successful as much as you do, but I'd never... torture a little troll."

I cry harder, my body shaking from the stress. I try to keep it quiet; I'm not the one who's been locked up and used for my magic.

Ven: "I... apologized to Floyd. He... said we can use his magic in a way that won't hurt him because it'll come from love. He... has a pure heart; he helped Velvet, and I see how important it is to be open with each other and not keep secrets. He said he would help defeat Dom; we have dinner with Rollie tonight. We wouldn't be in this mess if we didn't use him, so it's incredible that he's willing to help. You... wouldn't be in this mess if I hadn't called you, and I'm truly sorry for that. I have messed up so badly and in many ways, and I want to own up to my mistakes."

Kid Ritz looks at me, tears in his eyes. He stands, walking over to me.

Kid Ritz: "I... am glad you called me. Regardless of the situation, you were still targeted. It... will take some time to get over what you've done... but if you show that you're truly sorry, I think you can be forgiven. Plus... you have become someone I... I really care about. I'm upset... but I won't walk away from you when you need me. That's... what friends... do. They stick by you, even when it's hard."

I cry harder as he pulls me into a hug. Kid Ritz wipes my tears; glitter sparkling across his fingertips. It looks like it hurts him as he does it.

Ven: "Do you... do you want to meet Floyd?"

Kid Ritz nods, standing back up. Jewels perches on his shoulder, and the three of us walk to Velv's room.

I knock, seeing her answer with red eyes. She pulls me in for a hug, letting us inside.

Ven: "Floyd... this is Kid Ritz."

Floyd: "Nice to meet you; I promise I will help you defeat Dom. You seem innocent in all of this, and you look rough. I can see he's taken a toll on you. When magic is used for bad, it can be life-draining."

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