Butterfly Evidence

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Kid Ritz opens the door, letting me in. I feel very irritable and sick, yet I try to suppress it. I don't want to bring the mood down. A beautiful pasta is set on his table waiting for me. Visible shock hits me as I realize I haven't eaten today, and hardly the past few days.

Between getting sick in the mornings and the ring pop acting a bit like an appetite suppressant, I haven't been hungry at all.

Kid Ritz pulls my chair out for me before sitting down at his plate and digging in happily. I pick at the food, yet have a hard time eating. I drink a lot of my water, my head hurting bad. Kid Ritz seems to notice, looking up at me.

Kid Ritz: "Everything all right? You don't have to eat it if you don't like it. I followed a recipe online, and it may not be good, I-"

I shake my head, prompting him to stop.

Ven: "No, no, there's nothing wrong with the food. I'm very touched you made me dinner. I just have been feeling... bad these past couple of days. I can explain more when we're not eating. I don't want to ruin your appetite."

Kid Ritz nods, looking worried. We finish the meal in silence, which I feel bad for, but can't really help with due to how bad my head is pounding. Not to mention how violent the urge is to move, I can't focus on much.

Once he's done, Kid Ritz takes my unfinished plate for me and washes our dishes before joining me on his couch. I sip my water, trying not to focus on the now very splitting headache. Kid Ritz grabs his DVD, showing me excitedly. I love seeing the excitement in his eyes, this movie must mean a lot for him.

Ven: "Aww, Ritz! That's so cool! I'm excited to watch."

I try to sound as positive as I can, but I really feel bad now. Kid Ritz seems to see me struggling, puts the DVD down, and grabs my hand.

Kid Ritz: "Hey, you look like you're having a rough time. We don't have to do this if you feel this bad."

As he talks, a thought comes to me. I probably shouldn't... but I also want to enjoy my time with Kid Ritz. I need to give him some sort of answer, though.

Ven: "Recently, over the past week, I've woken up needing to throw up. I've been overwhelmingly frustrated with having excessive energy at all times. I have done hour-long runs and walked Jewels until she's tired, yet nothing has worked. I don't want to blame it on... you know who, but this all started after Saturday and the show. Plus... I've been dealing with weird energy problems since... I escaped "The Jungle." I passed it off as me just being overly nervous from Dom, yet... since Saturday, it's delved into something... deeper."

Kid Ritz rubs my hand, looking upset. 

Kid Ritz: "I'm sorry. I've noticed you have been a bit shaky, but I did just only assume it's been because of the stress you've been under."

Ven: "It could be just that. I told myself that I should try to give myself time to feel things out. Today in particular was just... rougher than I expected it to be."

Kid Ritz nods, looking down sadly at the DVD. He looks pretty upset, and... that's because of me and my problems, huh. It... wouldn't hurt to try using the ring pop; I came here to have fun, and that's what I intend to do.

Ven: "I'm going to use the bathroom. When I come back, we'll see if I can watch the movie. I want to spend time with you."

Kid Ritz: "Alright, cariño. Don't force yourself to push through feeling sick; I want you to be happy and comfortable."

I nod, squeezing his hand gently. He walks to his TV, fiddling with his DVD player. I take the chance to grab my ring pop from my tote and sneak it into my pocket. I go to his bathroom and splash water on my face.

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