Rocking Realization

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Lights flash in time as RIVAL rises from the middle of the stage, smoke rolling off their bodies. Fans scream as they start singing, their lead guitarist and singer Roman taking the stage with sensational confidence.

His voice comes out sultry and high, singing the lyrics of "Supermassive Black Hole" with impeccable confidence. Cameras train on his face, following his body movements.

He dances seductively while playing the guitar, his heavy lids coated in black eyeliner. He looks straight at the camera as he sings, getting the crowds to scream for him.






As he and his band sing, I can't help but feel enthralled by his overwhelmingly strong prowess, the urge to scream and cry for him overtaking my senses. 

I grab Kid Ritz's hand, my grip tightening as I lose the will to hold myself back. An overwhelming urge overcomes me, making me scream for RIVAL, for Roman.

Kid Ritz stares at me, a confused look crossing his face. He says something to me, yet I can't make out what he says, the screams of the crowds drowning out his voice.

I let go of his hand, pulling my phone out to message Justin. 

Ven: *How soon can we see RIVAL?*

He responds quickly, heightening my excitement.

Justin: *I can see if they want to meet at intermission?*

Ven: *Perfect. I appreciate your help.*

He likes my message, yet I can only focus on Roman. The way he sings... it feels like a magnetic pull is driving urges within me to get closer, like I need him. 

I haven't felt this way since... no, it can't be. But if I'm right, that could explain...

A heavy realization dawns on me, feverish anxiety welling up inside of me. My heart pounds fast, any high I had wearing off immediately. I start to shake from the influx of emotions, energy coursing strongly through my body. If I'm right, RIVAL could be the answer to my problems!

A camera traces Roman's eyes... then his lips. It flashes back to his eyes, and I'm hit with a sensation I haven't experienced so vividly in a while. I fall forward, gripping the railing to hold myself upright. Fred says something to me, but all I hear is Roman's voice. He sounds like he's in my head, singing to me directly.

I stare straight at the screen showing his eyes, watching as it pans out to the rest of his face. As he sings, his expression changes from his cocky rocker persona to... slight astonishment. He looks at the camera, dropping the cool smirk from his face. He stares straight at the camera, singing and doing the movements of his choreo, yet looking like he's disassociated from it all.

Roman: *i... f e e l... y o u.*

My breathing picks up as I hear him in my head, speaking directly to me. He trails his eyes among the crowd until it looks like he's staring up at our floor. Everything, any noise, any movement, becomes a blur.

The world around me starts to swirl, the only thing in focus being Roman. His singing sounds like it's in slow motion, a Siren call beckoning me closer. I feel like I'm about to pass out, as if I'm on the strongest troll high Floyd could ever conjure.

Something within me tells me to speak, yet no words pass my lips. Instead, my mind does the talking for me. I hear my voice loud as day, as if I'm speaking audibly, yet it comes out choppy and slow, sounding unRageon.

Ven: "i ' m... r i g ht...  h e r e."

I stare down at the stage, looking the best I can directly at Roman. His eyes grow wide on the screen, blinking a few times. He nods, finally tearing his eyes away from the camera. He finishes the song, yet continues to glance in my direction.

Unless I'm going crazy, which I very well could be at this point, I just talked to Roman telepathically. It's only now that I realize how hard I've been gripping the railing. 

I pry my hands off the railing, my knuckles aching from how tight they were clasped. My hearing comes back to me, letting me in on all of the sounds I tuned out. It's like my senses hit a reset button, forcing me to recognize what's around me.

The world zooms back out, hitting me hard. My vision goes black, taking me a few seconds for my eyes to refocus. I notice I'm panting, seeing Orchid look at me like I'm crazy.

Kid Ritz: "VENEER!"

I snap my head at him, realizing he's talking to me.

Kid Ritz: "What's wrong? You weren't talking the whole song... you looked terrified! I haven't seen you look like that since-"

Ven: "Please! Don't... say his name. I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."

Kid Ritz furrows his brows, concern laced across his face. I focus very little on it as RIVAL starts another song. As soon as Roman starts singing, everything around me becomes unimportant. All that matters is hearing him, seeing him perform. 

It hurts to stand up straight; my body screaming at me to run towards him. It takes every fiber of my being to try to keep myself under some level of control, yet I know I look insane.  I fall into a complete trance, watching their every move. By the end of the song, I'm shaking all over, feeling unbelievably energized, like I'm feeding off of the atmosphere in the venue.

RIVAL proceeds with the rest of their songs, a deep longing growing stronger within me the more I watch. The more the crowd screams and cheers, the stronger I feel. The energy and power I feel around me are unexplainable. A pulse is beating within my body, growing louder, screaming at me.

Finally, they play their last song, stalking off backstage. I don't even have to text Justin as I watch him make his way to us from the elevator, smiling excitedly.

Justin: "Follow me."

I barely check for the trio that their following behind me, walking speedily alongside Justin. His strong physique moves quickly, which is just what I need.

Justin: "You a big fan?"

Ven: "Never really listened to them. But now... I feel-"

Justin: "Like you can't look away? You need to be closer? Yeah, everyone feels that way when they see RIVAL. You know, I haven't felt that compelled by someone until I saw you in concert."

I look at him, thinking over his words. We pick up the pace, flying down a stairwell leading us to a door marked "BACKSTAGE CREW ONLY." Justin unlocks the door, letting us in. I breeze down the hall, Justin keeping up with my pace. I feel a hand grab mine, seeing it's Kid Ritz.

Kid Ritz: "Why are you in such a hurry? Veneer, I'm worried."

Fred and Orchid voice their agreement, yet it has little effect on me. 

Ven: "I... think I may have made a breakthrough. Please, I can explain it later if I'm right. I have to know right now if my hunch is right."

Kid Ritz drops my hand, falling back with Fred and Orchid.

Justin gets us to a door, a gold-plated star with the words "DRESSING ROOM" etched across it.  He knocks, announcing our presence. Footsteps shuffle inside, with Cade, the drummer, opening the door. He looks at me, his mouth falling open slightly. 

He moves aside, letting me in. Dixie, the bassist and third member of RIVAL, looks up from the couch, her mouth also falling open.  Roman's at the back of the room, reading a magazine. His back is to me, yet an immediate energy shift occurs as I enter the room. 

He moves his head towards me, looking over his shoulder.

Roman: "It's you."

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