Splitting Lines

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I stay quiet until RIVAL comes back out. I'm compelled to watch them, yet I feel different in how I register their music. Now that I know they're using magic, it's easier for me to see the similarities between Velv and I's performances and theirs.

I want nothing more than to be next to them, performing. My body shakes from the energy coursing through me, the crowd's screams fueling my hunger to sing. The only thing I can think of to calm me down is my ring pop, but I can't use with Kid Ritz here.

I look past Kid Ritz's shoulder, wishing for Fred to look at me. Fred looks up from talking to Orchid, his eyes meeting mine. I don't say anything as he walks over to Kid Ritz and me, miraculously saying what I need.

Fred: "Hey, since you did the last drink run, I volunteer to go. Ven? Wanna come?"

Ven: "Yeah... sure."

Kid Ritz: "Sounds good, thank you."

I look at Kid Ritz in slight shock, kissing his cheek before walking off with Fred. I stare at Fred, bewildered that interaction just happened.

Ven: "How... how did you know I wanted to leave for a moment?"

Fred looks down at me, his brows furrowing.

Fred: "I... don't know. I felt you look at me, and something within me told me what I needed to do."

Ven: "Maybe I did it subconsciously. I'm not sure how everything works with my powers yet, but it's definitely something I want to get control over eventually."

Fred nods, walking us to the concession line. It's a pretty long line, yet it gives me an idea.

Ven: "Should I test out my powers?"

Fred looks at me, thinking hard for a minute.

Fred: "Well, what are you thinking of doing?"

I look at the fans in line, willing them to let us pass them. One by one, each Rageon in line either leaves or moves out of our way, encouraging us to go in front of them.

Fred looks at me with big eyes, following me slowly through the line split. We reach the front of the line, where Fred orders a beer and two waters.

I get curious, wanting to see how far I can take this.

Ven: "One beer, please."

Fred eyes me, knowing I don't have a fake.

The cashier says nothing, handing me a beer without asking for proof of ID like he did Fred.

Ven: "Thank you, keep the change."

The cashier nods, not giving me a second thought. Fred and I walk away, standing at a wall out of sight from Kid Ritz or Orchid.

Fred: "That's... something else. You got all of those fans to move and a drink? Crazy..."

Ven: "I wanted to test out how far I could go. Seems like I can get others to do what I want if I try hard enough, which is scary. I definitely want to practice restraint; I don't want to do anything drastic."

Fred looks at me, sipping his beer. I hold mine in my hands, unsure what to do with it.

Ven: "Can you open this for me?"

Fred looks down at me, thinking for a moment before obliging.

Fred: "Yeah... though only if you tell me about Floyd."

I look up at him, my heart pounding hard.

Ven: "Velvet and I found Floyd in her room one day. Velvet found a way to huff his magic, which would get us high and make us talented, which we weren't previous to troll. We did our shows high on troll, using Floyd against his will. One day, we learned how wrong it was, and stopped using Floyd. In order to help us beat Dom, Floyd has graciously offered to supply us with troll magic voluntarily, and even though I don't need his magic anymore, Velvet still does."

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