Key Lime Pie Coded

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I stay asleep for a few hours, waking up as energized as ever. It's 7, giving me time to lay around. I eventually get up, waking Jewels in the process. We do our run/walk, and I come back to my room feeling a bit better.

I get another message from Management letting me know what time to meet. I sigh, feeling a little relieved to know Kid Ritz will pick me up to go to MRS.

I take a shower, feeling clean and happy once I'm done. I get dressed in a white hoodie, white sweats, and white trainers. I add my gold hoop for an elevated touch, feeling content with my look. I debate wearing sunglasses or the contacts, choosing the contacts just in case.

Kid Ritz texts me, letting me know he's downstairs. Jewels looks up at me with sad eyes, holding her arms out. I give in, strapping her in her harness and leash. I pick her up and take her downstairs. She's been such a good little monkey while we're out; I have no reason to believe this time will be different.

Kid Ritz smiles once he sees Jewels, leaning over to rub her head. She licks his hand, sniffing his various rings.

Kid Ritz: "I see we have a visitor today."

Ven: "We had our run this morning, but she didn't want me to leave her alone."

Kid Ritz: "She's a good girl, it'll be great."

He drives off, humming along to the radio.

Kid Ritz: "You look like you're feeling better."

Ven: "Yeah, I got a few hours of consistent sleep, woke up around 7, so pretty good overall."

Kid Ritz frowns, looking at me for a second.

Kid Ritz: "I got you home at 12:30; that's not a lot of sleep."

Ven: "It's been much more than I've had the past couple of days, so I'm not complaining."

Kid Ritz looks at me again, nodding slowly. As we drive, I get more and more finicky. I made a big move today; I left both ring pops at home. I'm regretting it right now, but I think I'll live. I only used it when I woke up this morning, so I'm proud of myself.

We arrive at MRS. at the same time as Fred's truck pulls up. It sputters black smoke, it looking like it could fall apart anytime. Fred climbs out the window, smiling goofily at us. He helps Orchid out, whose door luckily works.

I hold Jewels, watching Fred's face drop in shock. He runs over, putting his face right up to Jewels. She puts her hand on his cheek, feeling his face.

Fred: "Is this your monkey? She's so key lime pie coded."

We all stare at Fred, confused as all get out.

Fred: "I love key lime pie, the best thing I've ever had."

I just nod slowly, Kid Ritz laughing from how weird that phrase was.

Orchid: "That's wild. Say things like that in there, and we're not going anywhere."

Fred flips her off, grabbing Jewels' hand.

Ven: "Wanna hold her? Don't eat her like key lime pie; I love my monkey."

Fred laughs and happily holds Jewels. She climbs on his shoulder, pulling gently on his hair. We all head inside, and we are greeted with a surprise.

Velv and I, along with the other boys, have a portrait hanging on the wall—the first one anyone sees as they walk in the door. We're in our gold outfits from the "Watch Me Work" promo, looking very cvnt. I was wondering if we'd ever get a portrait; now I know. I snap a photo of it, posting it to my story while tagging MRS. Management, thanking them.

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