Chid and Kid

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I get off the phone with Veneer, focusing on the rotten food at my feet. I grab the trash bag, hauling it outside. I throw it in the garbage bin, disgusted, as the smell doesn't leave my hands. I head back inside, walking to the bathroom. I turn on the shower, waiting... waiting some more... until finally, the water turns lukewarm.

I shower as quickly as I can, getting out in fifteen minutes. Toweling off, I notice... frost on my mirror. I blink, and it's gone. It must be my imagination. Pobre Veneer has me worked up. I open the medicine cabinet behind the mirror, pulling out my perfume. Well... it's Mama's, but she lets me use it. It's reminiscent of my favorite dessert: pan dulce.

I usually save it to wear at important events or around Veneer, but right now, that garbage smell has burnt my nose. I spray once, taking in the warm, sugary scent before placing it back in the cabinet. As I close the cabinet, I see a man in the shower, staring at me. I whip around, fists up.

There's no one there. I must have psyched myself out. The one good thing Dad taught me to do was fight; the sick bastard would be laughing at me if he saw how I was acting.

I leave the bathroom, seeing Mama in the same spot as she always is. At least she's crocheting. Her activity slowed down so much after Dad left; he ruined her and her character.

I need to go to the tienda; I'll just walk. I'm nervous to leave Mama alone, but she's not helpless. If something were to... happen, she could call me.

Kid Ritz: "Voy a la tienda. ¿Quieres algo específico?"

Mama shakes her head, focusing solely on her crochet. I sigh, kissing her cheek before leaving. It was a miracle she talked in front of Veneer; she must have been interested.

I walk through the back lot behind the row of houses, making my way around the side of the store. I walk inside, grabbing the cheapest items like normal. Once I'm done, I walk up to my favorite register.

Orchid: "What's up, kid!"

Kid Ritz: "I could say the same to you."

Orchid laughs, grabbing my groceries to ring them up.

Kid Ritz: "I saw your post with Veneer. You know I get to work with him, right."

Orchid: "Ok, big man, I get it. But, hello, my favorite pop star bought boxes from me. That's the highlight of my life."

I smile; her witty comments are refreshing.

Kid Ritz: "You know I know Velvet, too. She's really something."

Orchid smiles more, a blush running through her cheeks.

Orchid: "I nearly passed out when she followed me. I think she did because Veneer posted me. I was just about to sleep and then freaked out all night."

Orchid smiles, handing me my bags.

Kid Ritz: "My offer is still open if you want to go to the Rage Dome. I know your Mom wouldn't let you, but I vote you sneak out. Orchid... the twin's talent are unlike anything I've ever seen. They are serious competition to anyone who would try them. They haven't won the chance to perform at it yet, but I believe they have more than a solid shot."

Orchid gives me a small smile, thinking quietly.

Orchid: "I really want to try, Kid. If they make it, I'll sneak out. I haven't since we went to that party at the end of senior year, so I think I'll survive if I'm caught."

I high-five her, pulling my phone out to pay. The money Veneer sent me is now in my bank account; I could buy one of everything in the store if I wanted. I pay, thankful for Veneer's donation.

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