Getting Ready

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Opening my eyes, I see I'm in a ballroom lit with candles and a live band. Walking around, I can't make out anyone's face I recognize until I see him.

Rollie Roy stands on stage, singing a soft, jazzy song. Spotlights on him shine over to me, highlighting me as I walk closer to him. He smiles, holding out his hand.

I take his hand into mine, getting pulled on stage. He holds me, twirling me around while singing. As the song ends, he dips me, the background around us becoming a mix of beautiful, muted colors.

He leans in for a kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck and-


My alarm goes off, waking me up rather harshly. I go to grab my stuffy, noticing he's on the floor. I grab him, apologizing before taking a few deep breaths. That dream was so lovely... yet it makes me worried about how tonight will go.

After a few hugs for my stuffy, I get up, making my bed before getting ready for the day. When I head downstairs, I see Velv putting a bouquet in a vase.

Velv: "Hi Ven, we were sent these by MRS. I found them on our doorstep." 

The flowers are beautiful; each violet petal is covered in glitter and specks of silver. I watch as Velv puts them in the center of the table, taking note of her good mood. She smiles at me before motioning me to follow her. We head to her room, where I notice the troll and his bottle on her bed. 

Velv: "OK, Ven, this is our chance to rehearse for tonight. Just spray the troll, and we should be good to go." 

I nod, watching her spritz the troll before seeing the purple haze set in her eyes. She smiles, handing me the troll. As I go to spritz, I can tell the troll is in pain. I do feel bad, but it's only a spritz or two. I won't use as much as Velv; it's just a rehearsal anyway. 

I gently do two spritzes and am immediately overwhelmed with the gourmet cloud. I feel so good like this... I have to be careful how often I use him... I don't want to be entirely dependent. Even though we are at the moment, at least Velv said it's not long term. When we are famous enough we can hire coaches and become talented enough that we won't need troll to perform... plus I will get more time with Velv. I smile at the troll, putting him back in the clear box. 

Velv: "OK, now that we have some... inspiration, let's try out what I wrote last night." 

Due to literal magic, we rehearse our songs, harmonies, and dances, coming together as if we have done them our whole lives. When we are done, I barely feel tired, ready to perform a two hour show if I wanted to. Velv smiles, singing her heart away. She gives me a pat on my back before shooing me out of her room to start getting ready.

All is well until she texts me that she wants to shower first. I can't help but roll my eyes. That's such a sister move of hers since she takes forever, but it's okay. I text her OK... to which she leaves me on read. I take the time to gather my outfit, looking it over. 

I love fashion, but I've never been able to justify buying expensive things. Everything we have received so far is on the high end for sure. Brands I've only seen influencers and smaller celebrities wear are now in my hands and closet, which is SO exciting. I show my stuffy my clothes before laying them out on my bed, boredom settling in. 

As I start to set my makeup out, I remember the troll. I should feed him. I don't know how often they eat, but I don't want him dying on me. I wonder if trolls can talk... or what they usually eat. Now that I think of it... I don't know anything about trolls. Maybe after tonight, I can get my troll to talk to me. 

I head downstairs, finding a few odd bits of fruit. I knock on Velv's door, announcing that I'm coming in. I hear from the bathroom an ok, letting myself in. Her room smells good, like chocolate due to the troll, and vanilla, her signature scent. I've always told myself I want to find a signature scent, as I immensely enjoy good smells. I like to notice it on others, maybe now that I have more money I can find a good perfume. 

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