Firework Fiasco

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I stare head-on at Dom, his brothers behind him. Sammy and Jaye stand along with them, all smirking and smiling. They all wear his uncanny smile, threatening and soulless. 

I begin to freeze internally, panicking as I realize Dom's trying to instill "The Chill" within me. As our fans start to recognize them, attention and confusion ensue among the crowd.

Fans crowd around them, minds blown that our previous competition is here. I pick up my mic, my breath coming out fast. Velv looks at me, her face just as shocked as mine. I grab her hand, running us off stage.

We race to the dressing room, fearing the worst. We're right to worry, as when we open the door, a horrible sight waits for us. The room is a mess; things are flung around it, the couch is overturned, and it is empty of any life.

I panic more, searching around for Jewels.

Ven: "Jewels? Crimp?"

I tear the room apart, freaking out as I realize they aren't here.

Velv: "I can't find Floyd either!"

We panic more until my phone rings. I pick it up, hearing a voice whisper at the other end.

Crimp: "Veneer? It's me, Crimp."

Ven: "Oh gosh, where are you? Are you with Jewels? Where's Floyd!"

I panic into the phone, shaking from stress.

Crimp: "We're hiding in the vents. Someone came into the dressing room, so we hid in the closet. We had to run into the vent in the closet because they started tearing the room apart!"

Ven: "Oh my gosh, I can't believe this."

I sob, having to hand the phone over to Velv. My poor baby Jewels, she's probably so scared and confused.

Velv: "Ok, at least we know you're still alive. Stay in the vents, ok? We'll have to try to sneak you guys out, whenever it is that we can leave. Let us assess the situation, and we'll call you back."

Crimp: "Alright, we'll stay hidden."

Velv hangs up, biting her lip so hard it starts to bleed. I attempt to stop crying, wiping the glitter from my eyes with the back of my hand.

Velv: "Ok, so clearly, they're here to mess with us. Whether they were looking for Floyd or not, we can't stay here much longer."

Ven: "What are we going to do? How are we going to get out? There's no way we can leave without all the fans cleared first, and the boys are bound to be waiting for us. They already caused enough commotion by showing themselves to the crowd; it's bound to be a madhouse out there!"

I freak out more, trying to calm down my breathing yet I can't, feeling my chest tighten. I start to see stars, black dots lining my vision. Velv runs over to me yet doesn't know what to do. I go into a full-blown panic attack, shaking violently on the floor.

Velv: "Oh, fuck! I don't know what to do!"

I take way too short breaths, feeling like I'm about to die. Velv freaks out above me, looking at me terrified. I turn onto my side, then eventually my stomach. I lay my head on the ground, trying to center myself.

I squeeze my eyes tight, focusing on only regaining my breath. It hurts really bad, every muscle in my body tight. Yet, as I manually force myself to slow my breathing, I start to regain control. I feel the cold tile under me, trying to focus on anything other than panicking. My breathing slows more, and my body starts to relax from the severe shaking.

It takes me a few minutes, but I eventually calm down. I lay on the floor, reeling in pain, yet alive. I'm alive, I'm still breathing, I'm going to be ok.

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