Rolling Dinner

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I pass out on and off until 6, forcing myself up to get ready.

I carefully move to my bathroom, relaxing a little once I see no one inside.

I take a hot shower, letting the steam hit my skin till it hurts. I want to try to get my soul as warm as possible, no matter how silly it is that the water can't hit my soul; I'm freezing.

I finish the shower, feeling warm at last. I dress in a cute white turtleneck, black pants, and a matching boot combo. I add a gold necklace, trying to appear simple but classy.

I put in my gold hoop, adding a gold ring. Once I'm done, I spray my perfume. I want to make a good impression to get Rollie on our good side.

Jewels bounces over to me, sniffing my shoes. She climbs on my leg, her little hands ticking me as she approaches my shoulder.

We move to my mirror, taking cute pics. We look sensationally adorable; I love it. I give Jewels extra cuddles; this will be the first time she won't have anyone in the house with her.

We head to Velv's, knocking before coming in. Velv seemed to have the same idea; she's dressed in a beautiful white dress with a black belt, white shoes, and gold jewelry like mine.

We look so coordinated; a power duo for sure. I walk over, snapping photos of us in her vanity, Jewels posing and looking just as cvnty as us.

Floyd: "OK, I'm going to get in the bottle. Velvet, keep me in your purse, and don't take me out unless it's safe.

Velv: "Alright. I'm ready to go."

Ven: "Give Jewels a kiss; I'm going to put her in her cage."

Velv gives her tummy rubs, earning a few squeaks in return. I take my monkey to her cage, slowly dropping her in her tree. Her big eyes look at me, confused, though she seems to get over it and play on her tree just fine.

I watch for a minute, finally leaving my baby to meet Velv and Floyd downstairs. As I leave my room, I check for Dom; he's not here.

Velv and I go down to the valet, waiting in the cold for the car. Except, it seems like I'm the only cold one; everyone else doesn't seem to be freezing.

We get in the car; I turn the heat on all the way up. Velv looks at me, though she doesn't question me like I assumed she would. We head off towards Rollie's, only a few streets away.

Velv takes Floyd and his bottle out of her purse, letting him look around. After our talk, she seems to have genuinely considered what I said.

We pass the "Hotel Indigo," where seeing it stand as an average hotel is interesting. We pull up to Rollie's, a little nervous. I never took the wine out of the car floor; I don't know how wine is supposed to be stored, so I hope I didn't ruin it.

Velv texts Rollie that we're here as we give the car to the valet. He sends a thumbs-up and appears downstairs relatively quickly.

Rollie: "That's my favorite fleshy wine! Great choice!"

Rollie grabs the bottles from me, leading us to the elevator. That's good; at least he likes it. Though, I'm not sure what he means by "fleshy".

The elevator ride is quiet, consisting of nervous glances between Velv and me. I feel a little better that Floyd is with us, but still.

The elevator opens and Rollie leads us the immaculate set up in dining room, the gold flatware matching Velv and I's jewelry.

I pull out Velv's chair, watching as she carefully drapes her purse along her chair. We sit quietly across from Rollie, watching him crack open a bottle.

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