My Rockstar

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Kid Ritz: "Hey! That was something special! I'm so glad we shared the stage; you were amazing!"

Ven: "You are so unbelievably skilled with your skating! Fred and Orchid as well! I was impressed with every spin and jump, and hello? Riding two skateboards at the same time in a handstand? That's incredible!"

Kid Ritz blushes, looking very happy with himself. I play with his fingers and bracelet, happy energy flowing through me.

Kid Ritz looks at me, his eyes bright.

Kid Ritz: "Did you want to go home? Or... maybe we could go somewhere..."

Ven: "Hmm, maybe we could go for a drive... see what's out there."

Kid Ritz smiles, turns his car on, and leaves the parking lot. He drives towards his house and pulls up to "Scuffed Skates." He gets out, pulling out his skateboard.

Kid Ritz: "Follow me, I will teach you how to skate."

He grabs my hand, leading me to a small flat section of the park.

Ven: "I've never even stood on a skateboard before! I'm scared I'll fall off!"

Kid Ritz laughs as he puts his board on the ground.

Kid Ritz: "Don't worry, I won't have you doing too much. Take my hand; I'll help you stand on the board."

I hold his hand tight, my heart racing as I get on his board.

Ven: "I'm standing! Oh my gosh!"

Kid Ritz laughs and puts one hand on my waist. I hold his shoulder and arm, gripping tight as he slowly pushes me. It's terrifying and exciting at the same time; I'm moving on a skateboard! He moves me around, spinning me slowly. With me on the skateboard, I have a better height distance, as Kid Ritz is taller than me. 

Kid Ritz stops, looking at me. We're the only ones here, washed in the light of warm streetlights.

Kid Ritz: "How do the contacts feel? I got used to your new eyes, but you look like yourself again."

Ven: "They give me the confidence to go out, but I do just want my normal eyes back."

Kid Ritz: "I hope you know... I like you any way you look."

I blush and smile, reach over, and place a kiss on his cheek. He smiles and pushes me around a little more before letting me off.

Ven: "Can you skate for me? I like watching you."

Kid Ritz smiles, looking excited. He runs off, jumping on his board. He skates around, doing tricks and jumps. He's exceptionally talented, looking confident in everything he does. I secretly film him, beyond impressed.

He goes to the tallest ramp, skating down with no hesitation. He flips over his head, landing smoothly with his board. He skates back over to me, sitting down next to me.

Ven: "Aww, you're amazing! I can't believe I get to date a champion skater!"

Kid Ritz: "I've never done much with skating. Tonight was the first time I got to perform with it, so it was very special for me to do it with you and my best friends."

He pulls me close, holding me. My midriff and arms are still cold, so his body heat feels really good. He wraps his arm around me, his hand resting against my tummy. I shiver, the warmth of his hand giving me goosebumps against my cold skin. I lean my head on his shoulder, resting my eyes.

The park is quiet, yet it's very calming. I feel so much energy coursing through me, yet it feels good to be able to sit with Kid Ritz and just enjoy his company. My phone buzzes, grabbing my attention. It's a message from Management.

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