Snow Angel

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I wake up to sunlight shining bright in my eyes. I remember I'm not in my apartment; instead, I'm in Kid Ritz's arms.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I hear noise from the kitchen and laughter. I rub my hand on Kid Ritz's shoulder, slowly waking him up.

His eyes open, and a small smile gracing his lips as he looks at me. I bend down and kiss him softly, liking the feeling of his lips on mine. I kneel against the bed, rubbing his hand.

We smile as our hands intertwine. The room feels warm and peaceful, making me feel at ease for a little bit.

Ven: "I think everyone is up. Want to go see?"

Kid Ritz: "Yes... how do you feel about us? Do you want to be open in front of them or keep it under wraps.?"

Ven: "That's such a good question. Thank you for asking! I feel comfortable being open in front of them; though, maybe we should hold off in public."

Kid Ritz nods as he sits up and rubs his eyes.

Kid Ritz: "Let's see what everyone's up to."

We leave the bedroom, following the laughter. Rollie, Velv, Floyd, and Gloria sit at the dining table, laughing.

Jewels hops around the conversation pit in the room over, tunneling through the pillows.

Walking in, I see everyone's eyes go to mine, then my wrist. It's as if a magnet drew their attention, and it doesn't feel good.

They all look away quickly, but I saw it. I sit at the table, and Kid Ritz sits next to me. The energy shifts in the room, making me feel like I look crazy.

Rollie: "Hope you slept ok. Velv told me your pain was relieved, which I am glad to hear."

Ven: "Thank you for your hospitality; we really appreciate it. Yesterday was... rough, so I am thankful for everything... and from all of you."

The table looks up at me with kind smiles. Kid Ritz grabs my hand as he kisses my cheek. I blush as the table raises their eyebrows, though it doesn't feel judgmental.

Gloria serves us breakfast, a meal that feels good. We laugh and talk, spending the morning together with good vibes. We say goodbye to Gloria, who I've learned is Rollie's mother figure. Rollie calls a car for us and walks us downstairs. As the group gets in the car, I pull Rollie in for a hug.

Ven: "Thank you... so much. You have to come to our place in a much less dire and drastic situation."

Rollie: "I'd love to. Take care of yourself. I'm here to support you as my friend when you need it."

I give him a high-five and climb happily into the car. We drive towards the "High Tide." Velv and Floyd take Jewels upstairs, while Kid Ritz and I stay in the valet area so I can take him home.

I get the car and climb in. Now that we're together, it's just us, and a simple moment like this feels special.

I adjust my mirrors, yet as I see myself, I jump in shock at the sight of my face. Looking at myself in the sunlight... the table's reactions were warranted. Kid Ritz grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb softly. As I look at him, he doesn't immediately look at the frost like everyone else.

I pull out of the driveway, driving for only a few minutes until I have to stop. I pull up to a park, trying not to cry.

Kid Ritz: "Are you ok? I shouldn't have made you drive, especially after last night, and-"

Ven: "That's not the problem. I... feel like a freak. Everyone this morning kept staring at me. I know that it wasn't on purpose or to be mean... it just... it hurts."

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