Candy Cherry High

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I reach over, grabbing OJ. I bounce him along Ven's back, tickling his neck.

Kid Ritz: "Hello, Veneer. You can tell OJ what's wrong."

Ven giggles, hiding behind a pillow. I stop, putting my hand on his back. As I lay next to him, I run my fingers under his shirt. He relaxes into my touch, turning his head to look at me.

Kid Ritz: "Hi"

He smiles at me, sighing softly.

Ven: "I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong; I'm feeling anxious."

Kid Ritz: "I can see that. You haven't been sleeping well; you have a show tomorrow, and it seems you haven't talked to Velv."

He closes his eyes, shaking slightly. He doesn't seem to notice, but his body slightly vibrates my hand as I scratch his back. His body just seems to be overloaded all the time now. I don't know how I'd be able to live with that and not be anxious.

Kid Ritz: "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Ven: "You scratching my back is perfect. I just have been frustrated with Velv. Ever since we found out I don't have to rely on troll, she's been distant. I think she may be jealous, but I didn't cause it on purpose. At least, I don't think."

Kid Ritz: "You can't control how she feels. It's hard to say you shouldn't be upset, but you can't let her bring your mood down. You're already going through enough."

I lean over and kiss his cheek. I snake my hand around his waist, pulling him in close. He wraps his arms around my neck, holding on tightly, and as he leans toward my neck, his breath comes out in short puffs.

It tickles ever so slightly, yet I'm happy to hold him. I can feel his heart beat fast; seems like it's always going that fast now. I rub his side, trying to help his body relax. He moves his head back, looking at me, the leans in and kisses my cheek, then my lips.

Eventually, he breaks away, looking at me. Past his contacts, I can see miniature snowflakes embedded across his eyes, reminding me of Dom's impact. My mind is quickly brought to the present as he moves to my neck. It takes me by surprise; he's never kissed me there before.

My heartbeat picks up as he kisses me, his mouth warm against my skin. He gives me featherlight kisses, teasing me. He moves back to my lips, pulling himself closer onto my chest. I lay fully on my back, holding him close as he climbs to sit on top of me. Just as the kiss gets heavy, I hear the door open.

Ven's head snaps up as mine snaps back, looking at a shocked Velvet upside down.

Ven: "Fuck, Velv! That's why you knock!"

She slams the door, my face going red. Ven rolls off of me, his face burning a bright blush.

Ven: "I tell her every time, knock. Does she do it? No!"

Kid Ritz: "Hey..."

I reach out, grabbing his hand slowly. I rub his hand, sad that he's so stressed. While that was beyond embarrassing, I don't think it was that bad. I need to get him to calm down; he's too worried about everything.

Kid Ritz: "Do you want a massage? I can rub your head; that's what Mama has done for me in the past."

He nods, sitting up. He goes to his bathroom, returning with his face washed and contacts out. I get up, washing my hands, before sitting on his bed against the headboard.

He lies his head on my lap, looking up at me. No matter how used to his eyes I get, it's jarring to see them like this. I kiss his forehead, moving my fingers to his temples. I rub his head, watching as his eyes flutter close. I rub until he falls asleep, his body shaking slightly less.

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