Frazzled Fred's Fun

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Fred comes out of the hoard carrying a catalog.

Fred: "Okie dokie, here are our options for wigs and hairspray. We can do customizations and orders right here in store; just depends on how much time you have."

Fred pulls out a can of soda literally from a shelf, chugging its contents as we look at the catalog.

Velv: "Ok, well... we kind of need something soon. Like, within the hour."

Fred spits out a bit of his drink as he looks at us with big eyes.

Fred: "OH!"

Fred saunters off and soon returns with a box. He throws wigs out of it and pumps his fist in the air as he pulls out another, smaller box.

Fred: "BOOYAH!"

He grabs his shirt and wipes off the dust on the lid. Inside the box are cans of white hairspray, and they look relatively new.

Fred: "Here we go, little lady. Fresh cans of dye for a fresh new look. Say, what do you need hairspray for anyway? If you're doing a convention, you'll need solid looks other than a jogger and stay-at-home mom aesthetic. But, hey, I'm not judging. Maybe you guys are going for a relaxed, easygoing-"

Fred drones on, Velv giving me a look. I shrug my shoulders; I like the guy. Fred hops the counter, bringing his soda and paint with him. He ducks behind the counter, taking a suspiciously long time. He pops back up... wearing a fake mustache and beard.

Fred: "Sorry, youngsters, took me so long to find our contacts, I grew myself a mustache and beard!"

I burst into laughter as Velv rolls her eyes. Fred opens a clean-looking case and pulls out different rows of contacts.

Fred: "Now, here's what we have that you can choose from. What are you in the mood for... jogger... stay at home mom-"


Fred holds his hands up, pretending to be shot and falling into a stack of comics behind him.

Fred: "So sorry, dearly valued customer, silly me."

I can't help but laugh more, my stomach hurting.

Velv looks at me with an annoyed glare before pointing to a row of contacts. They are almost identical to how my eyes look now; it's like staring at what I'm stuck looking like now.

Velv: "Could you take your sunnies off for a second? I just want to compare."

I hesitate internally; I haven't taken them off since leaving the apartment, even at VRADA. I remove the sunglasses slowly, hearing a gasp from the comic heap.

Fred: "Woah... dude. You're eyes totally rock... how'd they get like that?"

I look at Velv nervously, deciding to tell this very much a stranger something I've been keeping hidden for days.

Ven: "Dark magic... but please, don't tell anyone."

Fred stands up, pushing his hair out of his eyes. He looks at me with a look I can only describe as pure awe, like a kid in a candy store for the first time.

Fred: "Hey... I might be frazzled a bit in the head, but I'd never blab on someone if they're uncomfortable about something. Though, you totally shouldn't be; you look rockin'."

I look at him, getting a sense that he's being serious for the first time since we've stepped in here. I can see him and Kid Ritz getting along great.

Ven: "Thank you... that actually... means a lot."

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