Novela Wishes

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I wake up lying on Kid Ritz's chest, fully energized. It's dark out; I must have slept for a while. I try not to toss and turn, yet I'm feeling antsy. I haven't used it since the excursion at our old apartment, and I really want a hit now.

I look over Kid Ritz, sliding out of his arms carefully to not wake him. I open my drawer slowly, grabbing my milk and honey pop. I sneak off to my bathroom and lock the door behind me. I use gingerly, trying to be careful not to overdo it.

As I use, I can see from the minimal light from my bathroom windows illuminate the love marks now decorating my skin. I touch each one, enjoying the slight sting. I use my ring pop a little more, thinking back to just a few hours prior.

By the time I realize how much I've used, it's too late. I shove the ring pop into one of my bathroom drawers, struggling to the door. I grip the doorknob, trying to keep my head level enough to get to the bed. I feel my head pound, my body screaming to relax.

I open the door, not thinking about how much noise I make. I get to my bed, crawling on before my arms give out. I lay on my side, high as a kite. Kid Ritz stirs, yet I pretend to be asleep. I have no speaking ability right now; I'm nonverbal at this point.

I hear Kid Ritz whisper something to me, yet I can't make out any words. I hear him sigh, lean over, and kiss my cheek. He pulls me closer, laying his head in the crook of my neck with his arm draped across my waist.

I relax into his hold, trying to get my head to stop spinning. I didn't need to use, so why did I? I can't go one day without it... it's keeping me from talking to my boyfriend. I think negatively... eventually slipping off into a candy-high-induced sleep.

Kid Ritz POV:

I wake up to what I assume is Veneer coming back to bed. The room is dark; it's dusk. With no lights on, it's hard to make things out. I watch as he crawls onto the bed, looking exhausted.

Kid Ritz: "Cariño, are you all right?"

He doesn't say anything, looking like he falls immediately back to sleep. I sigh, pulling him closer to me. I lay against him, taking in his soft perfume. I know he was awake; I guess he just doesn't want to talk.

I hold him close, trying to fall back asleep. I feel his chest rise up and down slowly, sounding like he really is asleep. I wonder what got him so tired. I lay against him until I get bored, wishing I could go on my phone. I continue to lay here, deciding to enjoy my quiet peace with him.

After about half an hour, he stirs, his white eyes opening to look at me. It might just be the room's darkness, but his eyes have a red tint.

Kid Ritz: "You alright sweetheart? I'm glad you got some sleep in."

He blinks at me like it's taking a while to register what I'm saying. He nods eventually, taking a deep breath. Maybe everything we did earlier was too much, but I am happy... and I hope he is too.

Kid Ritz: "You sure everything is ok? I hope everything that happened earlier wasn't too much. I'm worried I went too far, and-"

He places a finger on my lips, shushing me.

Ven: "I've never felt so... alive before. It was the best feeling I've ever had. Kid Ritz... you had me shaking."

His voice comes out soft, the way he says the "shaking" makes my heart rate pick up.

Kid Ritz: "Yeah? I... don't know what came over me."

He looks at me, smirking slightly.

Ven: "Well, whatever it was... I really liked it. I look forward to the next time. Speaking of which, I have something I wanted to ask you."

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