Promotional Dinner

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I take my seat, smiling as Kid Ritz turns to me.

Kid Ritz: "Hi! I'm Kid Ritz!"

Ven: "Hi! I'm Veneer!"

Kid Ritz smiles at me, flashing his dazzling white smile.

Ven: "It's nice to meet you! I mean, see you again since I saw you last on stage and couldn't really talk, and yeah."

I ramble, realizing I sound so stupid right now.

Kid Ritz: "Aw, don't worry about it. I get what you mean. It's so cool to meet you, too! I meant it that your performance was great! I can't wait for tomorrow!"

I thank him as the Head Director clinks a glass with his knife, calling for everyone's attention.

Head Director: "Thank you all for coming here tonight! Tomorrow is our second show of the season, and ticket sales have skyrocketed! Our online viewership has increased tremendously with the help of our newest talents, Velvet and Veneer!"

The table erupts into claps, making me blush. Velv beams, enjoying the attention.

Head Director: "For tonight, we will eat, then have a 15-minute break before the media are let in. They have been instructed to take pictures, which will be sent to you all to post about online. Tomorrow is a big night, so I encourage you to have fun and stir up some hype for our second show!"

The Head Director laughs, clapping for servers to bring over our food. Velv and I are given big leafy salads with a delicious vegan dressing. As we eat, I listen to Kid Ritz tell funny stories and jokes; his presence seems to light up the whole table.

When we're done, Velv grabs my arm, asking me to go with her to the bathroom. I say goodbye to Kid Ritz, for now, trailing off after Velv.

She hands me a disposable toothbrush and a small perfume bottle from her purse. I thank her, making my way into the bathroom.

Velv always has what I need in her purse, which is handy for a media event after eating. I brush my teeth and reapply perfume to feel nice and fresh.

Once I'm done in the bathroom, I wait outside for Velv. As I wait, I hear voices become louder down the hall. Velv comes out, walking with me back to the dining area. The tables have been cleared and pushed to the back, with backdrops rolled in with the MRS. Starz logo all over them.

Velv grabs my arm, looking at me with excitement. Her eyes shimmer, yet in a sparkly way. I'm reminded of why we're doing this: to make Velv happy. If she's happy, I'm content.

Head Director: "Alright, ladies and gentlemen. In a few minutes, we'll let in the media. I hope you all are ready! We need these promo shots for tomorrow. Good luck!"

I wait with Velv until the doors to the dining area are opened, with tens of media personnel flocking over. We pose for duo shots in the same pose we did on stage, excitement and confidence growing the more pictures are taken.

The boys call us over for a group photo. I stand next to Dom, feeling comfortable and happy. Velv and I are placed in the middle of the 8 of us, making me feel special.

Once we're done, we're pulled to another backdrop where Kid Ritz is talking to a camera.

Kid Ritz: "Here, up next with me are the iconic new duo Velvet and Veneer! These two made their debut performance with "Sweet Dreams," immediately taking the stage with confidence and style. You can see them for their second performance tomorrow, sponsored here at the "Hotel Indigo"', hosted by yours truly. Anything you two would like to say to the viewers?"

Velv: "Hello Mount Rageous! We are so excited to perform for you tomorrow night! The floor is sold out for the first time, but don't worry, you can catch us live on TV!"

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