Fiery Secret

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The following week goes by in a whir as we adjust to the new apartment and figuring out logistics for our performance. With less than a few days until our second performance, I'm ready to show the world we're not a one-hit wonder.

Velv: "Veneer, come here!"

I get up, leaving my comfy spot on the couch. I walk to Velv's room, finding her in her closet.

Velv: "Hey Ven, I want to review with you again how the week will go. I don't want any confusion. Tomorrow's the meeting with Management and Stage Crew, Friday we have a promotional dinner, and Saturday's our performance. I overheard Crimp saying we have a chance at doing solo shows for next month if this performance goes well, so we have to bring our A-game."

I nod, picking up clothes from her floor before hanging the non-dirty ones.

Ven: "Ok, sounds good. I'll follow your lead. I have a question I've been meaning to ask you, though. Can I pick the song for Saturday? I know we have to give it to Management and Stage Crew tomorrow, but I was thinking it'd be fun if we did an "Under our Spell" and "Welcome to the Show" medley."

I bite the inside of my cheek nervously as Velv rummages through her shoes, watching her pull out a sparkly purple pump.

Velv: "I think... we should wear purple and pink while we do it. I'm down if you arrange it. Make sure to use troll; it needs to sound good."

Velv walks out, leaving me to do a little victory dance. I grab my phone and write down the songs. I wasn't sure if she'd let me have this, but I'm so glad she did.

Walking to Floyd's shelf, I grab him and give myself two spritzes. I don't know about Velv, but I haven't used him since the performance. I want to use him only when I have to; each time we spritz, he looks worse. We'll need him until the Rage Dome; I don't want to lose our talent.

As the green smoke falls over me, the gears in my mind click into place. I grab my computer and play the two songs before mashing them. It's simple, but it could get the job done.

Once I'm satisfied, I send it to Velv and show her the finished product. When she hears it, she smirks, looking proud of me.

Velv: "It's cute, Ven. Good job on getting it done so quickly. We should listen to it the rest of this week, and with some troll in us, I think it might just win Rageons over."

I smirk, grabbing my computer to head back to my room. As I walk, my phone buzzes. I wait to check it, grabbing a soda to celebrate my small achievement. As I take a sip, I nearly choke after seeing who the message is from.

Dom: *Hey, Veneer, It's Dom. How would you like to get dinner on Thursday?*

I nearly pass out, our kisses having not left the back of my mind since they happened.

What should I say? Thursday is the day before the promotional dinner, so it shouldn't interfere with anything.

Ven: *I'd love to!*

Maybe it's the troll leftover in my system, but I just over-confidently answered a text from my favorite Sage Boy asking me to dinner. OH MY GOSH!

I watch nervously as the text bubbles appear, watching the words from Dom display across my screen.

Dom: *Great, text me your address, and I'll send a car for you. It's at my place, so don't worry about dressing up. See you soon.*

I like the text before jumping up and running a victory lap around my room. I twirl around until I notice Velv standing in my doorway, looking at me like I'm crazy.

Ven: "Velv! You'll never guess what happened! Dom invited me to a date on Thursday, and I said yes! Oh, I can't wait. You'll have to help me pick out what to wear and-"

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