Part 2

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Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
August 7th
Friday, 4:12 p.m.

"Nana." I called coming out my robe in my baby pink robe and fluffy slides. Fresh out of the shower.

"Yes Sevyn." My nana said from out of the living room watching Waiting To Exhale. Her favorite movie, she watches it on REPEAT.

"Can I go to the mall with everybody?" I asked even though we been made these plans last week, but I always forget and wait till last minute.

"Yes. You need money?" She asked and I quickly shook my head.

"No. I just got my paycheck. I'm going to get dressed. When I come back do you want me to make you some ginger tea?" I said turning my phone off.

"Yes please that would be nice." She said and i nodded. I went back to my room and turned on some music. Playing Teenage Love Affair by Alicia Keys.

I sung the song softly while I moved my clothes around in my closet looking for what to wear. As I was throwing my outfit out on the bed Nala texted me.

nala🍃: can i meet u at ur house rn?
nala🍃: im high asl i am not gonna make it to the mall correctly
nala🍃: ill pay for the uber

sevyn🌸: u can come
sevyn🌸: but no lemme pay for ur uber here and im gonna pay for the uber to get mall

nala🍃: noooooooo
nala🍃: u do this every time just let me pay. im already on my way

sevyn🌸: im paying for the Uber there and now im done talking

nala🍃: i will still shove ur money back in ur bra high and all

I started putting on my clothes so I could be dressed before Nala got here. And I put this on.

I picked out my bag and put it on the bed standing in front of the mirror putting on my jewelry

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I picked out my bag and put it on the bed standing in front of the mirror putting on my jewelry. Making sure it all matched. I put on 4 necklaces all different lengths and my Apple Watch on my right wrist along with a silver diamond bracelet. And no bracelets on the other wrist. I put 4 rings, 2 on each hand of different protection crystals.

I touched up my lace putting a little more glue in and blow dried it. I put my lace band on and started straightening my hair again. I gotta get a new wig because this one is about to have heat damage bad.

After I did my hair I saw Nala texted me so I just ran out my room and to the door and buzzed her up. And she came up and I held the door open for her. As soon as I saw her coming down the hallway I saw she was high as hell. Like her eyes were red, she was moving slow, her eyes were low.

She came up and I started laughing as soon as she got close which made her cover her mouth laughing.

"Stopppp. Where is Nana?" She asked coming in and I closed the door after her.

"The living room." I pointed.

All of my friends are close with my nana. She said she had to meet all of them before she let me go outside with them. Now they all know her so well and trust them with me.

Nala went in the living room and greeted her and we went to my room. And I closed the door.

"What are you high off of?" I asked sitting at my vanity starting my makeup.

"Pen. You wanna hit it?" She asked.

"Before we get out the Uber yeah." I said spreading the primed all over my face and she nodded.

"Is everyone coming?" She asked.

"Yeah supposed to be. Text the group chat to see." I said fanning my face and she went on her phone.

I started putting my makeup on hearing my phone repeatedly ding from the messages from the group chat. As I was letting the powder bake I finally picked up my phone.

failed abortions🤰🏽

nala🍃: yall all coming

von👹: im coming

jae🫶🏽: we all comin
jae🫶🏽: we about to leave from my shit

amiri🦋: yeah where is Ny imma wait for her in the lobby

nala🍃: im in her house she doin her makeup
nala🍃: u might as well come up here when u done getting dressed

amiri🦋: bet that I'm about to be done

von👹: of course ha ugly ass doin ha makeup

quincy🧸: why are u always on her ass?😭
quincy🧸: she not even sayin shit

von👹: bc ha ugly ass always be holding us up puttin ha face on and shit

sevyn💕: oh...🧍🏾‍♀️
sevyn💕: anyway im almost done imma let yall know when im done

jae🫶🏽: yeah cause we waitin on y'all fr

I put my phone down and started finishing up my makeup. And as I was about to text Amiri to see where she was I heard her voice from the living room. She was already in the building so my grandmother probably let her in.

"Y'all ready? I'm about to text Jae." I said and they nodded.

I texted Jae and he said they were gonna leave now.

"Okay come on. See you nana. Love you." I said hugging her and kissing her cheek.

"I love you more." She said as i went to the door.

We all left out and on the way down we got a Uber and waited in the lobby.

"You high?" Amiri asked Nala and Nala smiled with low eyes and just passed her the pen making me laugh.

Amiri hit it like 5 times and then passed it to me. And i hit it 4 times. Coughing and hacking after every pull. I dont smoke blunts, but i do hit a pen once in a while. But i mostly just take edibles because i dont really wanna get into smoking like that.

When the Uber came i was already feeling that high. Me, Nala, and Amiri were all laughing as we got in at absolutely nothing.

We got in and put our seatbelts on with me sitting in the middle. The driver was confused on why we're looking at each other and just giggling but he kept quiet because we weren't bothering him.

"I'mma tear some Auntie Annie's UP when we get there." Amiri said looking out the window which made me crack up laughing. I could barely see clearly because the high was making my vision grainy.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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