Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.
Sevyn POV
Atlanta, Georgia
December 13th
Friday, 5:34 P.M.unknown: hi sevyn, it's your mom
I paused after reading the message. MY MOTHER?
Understand I have not heard from this woman for YEARS. Mostly because the last time I saw my mom, she was being taken to a rehab center for drug use. My dad was in prison. So my grandmother took custody and cut off contact with my mother and moved me with her to Los Angeles not too far from where I used to live with my mother in Sacramento.
Not really her fault per say, but she was in and out of rehab centers. At a certain point when they keep doing it knowing that it moves you apart from them. It feels like abandonment. I just always hoped she was okay and she changed. And I never really thought too much else about her.
Living with my mom and my other siblings is something I would rather keep in the past because that's not who I am anymore.
Before I could respond she texted some more.
unknown: your dads mother hasn't allowed me to see you since you were 12 and I finally have your number now that you're 18
unknown: I wondered if you wanted to talk now that you're technically an adult
unknown: i live in San Diego, CaliforniaMy brain could barely process what I was reading. For some reason I've always lived like I was never going to see my mother again. And even though it hurt as a child, I prepared myself to just never know her and move on. Because ever since I was 12 it's been radio silence. From her, and my other siblings.
Before I even let my brain go there. How do I know this is really my mother. Someone could be playing on my phone easily.
sevyn🤱🏽: how do i know it's really you ?
unknown: what do you want to know ?
sevyn🤱🏽: when is my birthday ?
unknown: febuary 14th
sevyn🤱🏽: do i have a birthmark ?
unknown: yes😂 on your right butt cheek😂
sevyn🤱🏽: how did you even get my number ??
unknown: I decided to speak to your father because i realized you are now 18
unknown: he gave me your numbersevyn🤱🏽: what exactly do you want ?
unknown: to see you again if you would
unknown: i have gotten better since you last seen mesevyn🤱🏽:what's changed ?
unknown: well i am 5 years clean yesterday
unknown: i have reached out to all my kids not just you because i thought it would be a good time to bring you all together because we are still family
unknown: and of course you. my youngest. i want you apart of itsevyn🤱🏽: when ?
unknown: december 20th
unknown: your father was telling me that you go on winter break soon from collegesevyn🤱🏽: you and dad had quite the conversation didn't you ?😂
sevyn🤱🏽: IF i agree to go
sevyn🤱🏽: can i bring someone ?unknown: of course. anyone u want no problem
sevyn🤱🏽: okay ill most definitely think about it
I looked around when I realized we arrived at the hotel. I got my bags and went inside. My mind was racing with thoughts. Thinking about my mom. It's not any good memories. But not just of my mom specifically. From my life and family when I was staying with my mother. My siblings treated me shitty- well my sisters did. My older brother would protect me and keep me away from them as best as he could. That's what made us so close at the time.
My sisters were always trying to fight me. Over small little shit. Like I accidentally knocked her book bag over, I'm getting swung on like a random bitch they don't know. It made me grow up fighting. I wasn't going to sit there every time and just get my ass beat up. I have to fight back, even if it is family.
If I'm fighting my siblings in my house. I'm fighting people outside as well. I grew up having to fight everyone. If my own family is against me, it felt like the entire world was against me. But when my grandmother moved me away, I wanted to completely start over and rebrand. Since I was in a brand new place with different people. I became what I wanted to be.
I don't even like thinking about that, because that is the person I used to be that I never wanted to be. It makes me emotional because it brings me back to that negative mindset of just waking up every day of my life in fight or flight mode. It was hella tiring.
When I got to the room I put my bags down and sat on the edge of the bed. The only person I could think to text or talk to is Dayvon. He's who I go to about EVERYTHING. More things than India.
This is who knows everything about me. And I love venting to him. He's the only one around me that even knows a little bit of my mom, and how I feel about my mom.
sevyn🫀: dayvonnn
dayvon💋: yes ma
sevyn🫀: wyd
sevyn🫀: are u busy ?dayvon💋: im bout to get on stage soon ma
sevyn🫀: come to my hotel after
dayvon💋: sum wrong ?
sevyn🫀: i need to talk to u
sevyn🫀: and i need to see udayvon💋: aight ma
sevyn🫀: have a good show bby
sevyn🫀: ilydayvon💋: spell the whole thing out n stop fuckin playin
sevyn🫀: i love you bbydayvon💋: i love you more ma
It's weird. Even when we're fighting and really mad at each other. The only person we'll go to is each other. It forces us to make up because we need each other.
I took a deep breath and swiped back over to me and my mom's messages. I just looked at the phone in shock. Am I going to see my mother and my siblings for the first time since I was 12?
I just have to talk this over with Dayvon first.
Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.
Love you!💋

I Hate You
FanfictionSevyn and Von hung around the same people but did not like each other. But they were just cordial. Until Von's birthday came up and Sevyn was the only friend of his that remembered.