Part 102

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
February 14th
Wednesday, 5:30 a.m.

I woke up to my alarm of course and reached into my cover to find my phone. When i found it i turned off my alarm and rubbed my eyes.

Dayvon stayed over here to be able to tell me happy birthday in person at midnight. And...he gave me head again. He is the BIGGEST EATER I know. He gets DOWN.

I sat up and looked at my notifications to see what was going on. I had notifications from Nala, Amiri, Jae, and Quincy telling me happy birthday. But those are the main people I expect it from.

I told them thank you and I love them and went on instagram. And saw that they had wished me happy birthday on their stories. And then here comes Jae and Quincy with the pictures...I told them I was gonna have Amiri and Nala mass report their account. They took it down and changed the pictures so I reposted it then.

And then I saw Dayvon's story. He posted a picture of me grabbing his face kissing his eye with the intro of  Love Drought by Beyonce playing over it. And the caption said "happy birthday to my everything. i aint even gone talk too much cs she know what it is. i luv you ma💕". I almost cried.

Did he just POST ME?????

As soon as I saw it he texted me.

@Kingvonfrmdao: u better repost it
@Kingvonfrmdao: i aint playin dont be tryna not claim me
@Kingvonfrmdao: u my girl let them niggas know

@7sevyn7: i was going to repost it bby. good morning to u too

@Kingvonfrmdao: imma be ova there soon yo ass better be just walkin to that bathroom

@7sevyn7: where are you taking me to eat at 6 in the morning dayvon ?

@Kingvonfrmdao: we not going right away
@Kingvonfrmdao: aye dont worry bout it lil folks i got us

@7sevyn7: alright dayvon

@Kingvonfrmdao: call me as soon as u get out that shower

@7sevyn7: okay dayvon

I got out of the bed and put my phone on the charger. I got my IPad instead and went into the bathroom. I started the shower and set up my iPad to watch my little shows early.

I pre washed my face and got undressed and got in the shower.

45 MINUTES LATER, when i got out of the shower. I dried off and put my robe on and i grabbed my iPad and called Dayvon like he said and he answered quick.

"I just left ma. We aint takin the bus today ma. I got us a car." Von said and i saw him getting in the back of a car and i squinted looking.

"Who's car?" I asked opening the bathroom door and going over to my bed.

"Durk let me use the car he always get driven around in. We gettin driven around today ma." He said and as i was making the bed i couldnt help but smile. He is so cute.

I made my bed and went back to the bathroom and washed my face again and moisterized thoroughly because i have to put on makeup later. I wanna make sure my face has been taken care of all day.

I fixed my bonnet so it looked okay enough for me to step outside and i went to my closet.

"Where are we going before i get my hair done Von?" I asked looking at my clothes not knowing what to wear.

"We gone chill fo a minute ma. And then we goin to IHOP. Remember you took me there on my birthday." He said making me laugh.

"Yes i remember. If we're going to chill for a minute im just going to stay in my robe." I shrugged and i saw Dayvon put his face in the camera.

"Put the phone up the robe." He whispered making me laugh.

"Oh Lord Von. No." I said going and sitting on my bed and he groaned.

"Imma get under it when i get ova there." He said making me laugh.

When he got there I just waited for him to let himself in. Since my nana gave his ass all the information to get in and a damn key. He really doesn't even have to ask me to come over no more he's just going to come in.

I heard the front door open and i knew it was him. But i heard him talking to my nana first so i just let him be. And then he came in my room and closed and locked the door behind him. And i saw he was holding a black gift bag.

"Dayvon what did you do?" I asked sitting up and he came over to me.

"I can't get a hi? Yo materialistic ass always worried about a damn gift." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Hi Dayvon." I said when he came close and he looked down at me.

"Getcho ass up and gimme kiss." He said and i sighed and got up and he grabbed my neck and kissed me.

"You look good ma. Happy birthday." He said making me smile.

"Thank you baby." I said sitting back down and he sat next to me and gave me the bag. I opened it up and at first i thought it was a damn silk baby pink pillow case. But when i lifted it up i saw it was a silk baby pink robe and it said my name on the back.

"Dayvonnnnnn." I said smiling and hugged him making him laugh.

"You like it ma. Put that shit on right now." He said pulling the string loose on my robe and I laughed.

"You just want to see me naked." I said standing up.

"You right. Face me." He said. I undid my robe and let it fall to the floor and Dayvon smirked looking at my body.

"Gimme kiss." He said and i softly kissed his lips.

"You so fine ma." He said and i reached over getting the robe and put it on. Oh my God i love this material. It's so soft against my skin.

I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror just admiring the robe and Dayvon came up and stood behind me.

"You gone let me hit innis robe?" He said bending me over in front of him.

"Maybe." I said as he rocked my waist back and forth and his eyebrows raised.

"You'll let me ma?" He said and i stood up straight.

"Hell no." I said walking away and he pushed me making me laugh.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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