Part 155

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Sevyn POV

Atlanta, Georgia
December 6th
Friday, 3:27 P.M.

I have just gotten out of my last class and went outside looking for India's car. India has been driving me back and forth from the hotel I've been staying at to school. But on other days I just take Ubers if I need to go somewhere.

Have I spoke to Dayvon is actually a stupid question to ask. Of course I have. He wouldn't have had it any other way.

He texts me every single day. Every time I look at my phone throughout the day Dayvon texted me.

I don't respond to every single message. I only respond to some.

But I blocked him on literally every social media. I don't even want to see him there. If I wanted to see him, I would just go home...

I think space is very needed right now. Maybe we've been spending too much time together. We have barely been apart since we first started talking.

"Let me tell you what we're doing tomorrow." India said as soon as I got in the car and I sighed.

"Oh goodness." I said shaking my head.

"Ari is in town. My friend Ari. And we are having a girls day tomorrow. We're going to go to brunch, and we're going to go shopping and making impulsive purchases. And thennnn. DRUM ROLL PLEASE." She said and I laughed and started hitting my legs to make the drum roll sound.

"We are going to the club!" India said and I immediately stopped the sound and looked at her with a straight face.

"And that will be when I am going home." I said putting my seatbelt on.

"Home my ass. You are not going home. You're coming with us to the club friend. You need this. A little unwinding. A little ass shaking. A little weed. And you will be right back to normal." She said.

"What do you mean normal? I've been fine." I said.

"Have you? I haven't known you for years and years. But I have known you long enough to know when something is up. And let's be real, you haven't been yourself completely since you left Dayvon." She said.

But I know I haven't. I just didnt think other people noticed.

Dayvon is a huge part of me. He is like my other half. I know I'm not the same without him.

But I just need time away to get my mind together. I haven't told Dayvon. But I am definitely working towards forgiving him. I'm older now than I was when someone first "cheated" on me. And I don't even view Dayvon and Mark the same.

Mark was just someone I was with when I was child. I wasn't like in love with him. Nothing like with Dayvon.

With Dayvon it's a real connection between us. I see him in my future. I see him for the rest of my life. And we have done way more intimate things than kiss. More intimate than sex. Stuff no one would understand but us. Way deeper than just a kiss.

But it still hurt a little someone touched something that is mines. Actually. Dayvon as a whole. Is mines. He is mines. My Dayvon. No one should be able to get that close to an intimate spot that I have basically written my name all over.

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