Sevyn and Von hung around the same people but did not like each other. But they were just cordial. Until Von's birthday came up and Sevyn was the only friend of his that remembered.
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Sevyn POV
Los Angeles, California August 12th Wednesday, 3:16 p.m.
My nana took off early for her job to take me up to visit dad. She is my nana on my dad's side, so that is her son. My nana on my mom's side died when I was 10. But both of them got along.
I used to visit my other nana, she just lived too far away from my school for me to live with her and I knew my dad's mom better.
"Text me when you get back. Imma come ova." Von said walking down the block to her car.
"Von its going to be late." I said.
"I'll watch you sleep ma." He said making me laugh.
"Okay Von. I'm going to text you." I said when we got to the car.
"Not at least a kiss on the cheek ma? You ain't right. Please." He said and I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek and he smiled hard making me laugh.
"See you later Von." I said opening the door waving to him.
"See you ma." He said catching up with his friends and I got in the car.
"Awww a kiss on the cheek." My nana said looking at me and I covered my face embarrassed.
"Please drive." I said making her laugh.
Dayvon POV
I'm breaking up with Asian today. Like officially. But first I'm going to smoke with Nala. She always has the best weed and does not tell us who her plug is.
When I left from walking Sevyn to her grandmothers house I went with Nala. We're gonna go to our regular place in the park and smoke and then go our separate ways when the weed is gone.
"How much was it?" I asked her pulling out my phone.
"You know it's good Von. I got it." Nala said.
"Nah. What was it? Acting like Sevyn dumb ass." I said making her laugh.
"It was $25 for the eighth I got. I got more weed so my shit was $100. Imma just add in so we can have 2 blunts. And you can keep your eighth for another day." She said and I nodded and sent her $25.
"Speaking of Sevyn." Nala said.
"What about ha?" I said.
" Sevyn?" She asked making me laugh.
"Why you askin'? She was talkin' shit?" I said.
"No like not at all. I'm just asking because yesterday and everything. She told me and Amiri a little something. She told me you kissed her twice. I really should smack you because you know our little angel doesn't get down like that." She said making me laugh.