Sevyn and Von hung around the same people but did not like each other. But they were just cordial. Until Von's birthday came up and Sevyn was the only friend of his that remembered.
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Sevyn POV
Los Angeles, California August 7th Friday, 6:21 p.m.
1 HOUR LATER,we all finished eating and i cleaned up and threw everything away. And we left out after i wiped the table down. We started walking around again shopping some more.
I bought a lot of things. But remembered to save a really good amount for the stuff i wanted to order. When we were tired of walking we decided to leave and go to my house.
I know they wanted to go to my house because my grandmother is cooking dinner. And she always makes extra for them.
So we caught the bus back to the city. And rode the bus as close as we could to my building.
When we got there they all rushed to the kitchen where my grandma was frying chicken.
I put my bags in my room and went to the kitchen where everyone else was.
"How many pieces you want Von?" My nana asked handing Amiri her plate.
"I think i want all the rest of the pieces nana." He said standing close to her. For some reason Von is my nana's favorite. She must not know how he does everything but call me out my name.
"I'll make you some more. 4 for now." She said and he pouted.
"Fine. But I'll be waiting for my batch." He said getting a fork and going to living room with everyone else.
I went in the cabinet and got the kool-aide packet. Lemonade flavor. And I started making some juice. And i went back and forth giving them each a cup before making my nana some tea while she finished cooking and she gave me my plate.
I sat down next to Amiri and grabbed the remote. But Dayvon snatched it from me.
"We ain't watchin'-what's that bullshit yall be turnin on every single time? The Other Woman? We not about to be watching that shit all the time." He said and i rolled my eyes.
"Are we forgetting it's my house?" I said snatching the remote back.
"Is we forgettin nana like me da most?" He said snatching it back and I just shrugged. I can go to my room and watch the movie i am not trippin.
"We finna watch...what yall feel like watching. I feel like Infinity War." Von said and everyone nodded.
He turned it on and we all kept eating and talking together.
10:47 p.m.
2 HOURS LATER,my nana came in and started collecting plates and I helped her. I took all the plates to the kitchen while she got all the cups.
I washed the dishes while she straightened up the kitchen. And everyone came in the kitchen saying bye to nana and leaving one by one.
And the last one left was Von. I went into the living room to see what was taking him so long to leave and realized he was asleep. I chuckled a little. He's normally one of the first to leave.
"Is Dayvon asleep on that couch again?" My nana said and I went back into the kitchen.
"Yeah...again?" I questioned not being able to remember another time where he fell asleep on the couch.
"Oh he fell asleep here last week. He was telling me about that girl Asian you guys go to school with." She said putting the plates away in the cabinets.
"Misharron? His girlfriend. She's so pretty." I said leaning on the counter.
"No matter how pretty she is. I dont like that girl. She doesnt seem right for him. She encourages his mess. And you know Dayvon is always in some damn mess." She said shaking her head and I nodded.
Dayvon is always involved in some street drama. In and out of juvie all the time. In court. Having guns. Getting into fights. As his friends we of course try to get him to stay out of shit like that. But someone is gonna do what they wanna do regardless of what you think. I think Von tries. But how can you help yourself when that's all you know?
"Don't blame her nana. I think he does bad all by himself pretty fine." I said.
"But what kind of girlfriend doesnt wanna see you do better. Just like what type of boyfriend doesnt wanna see you do better. He does bad, but we know that. She knows that. She should be trying to keep him out of it. Not texting him and asking to "hit a lick" or whatever you kids say." She said making me laugh a little bit.
"He needs to figure that out on his own then nana." I said.
"And that Asian girl. She doesn't like you Sevyn. Don't defend her too hard. Not everyone is your friend." She said and my eyebrows raised.
"She doesn't like me?" I said with a shocked tone.
I'm sure a lot of people dont like me. But ive never heard of it.
"And that is fine Sevyn. I'm just saying dont defend her ass against Von so hard." She said making me laugh.
"Okay nana. I'm going to take a shower. You're gonna wake Von?" I said standing up straight.
"I'll let him sleep a little while longer. His bus doesnt come till an hour anyway." She said shrugging. And I went to my room closing the door behind me.
I started taking off my makeup and took off my wig. I'm gonna put on a new one tomorrow before I go to work.
After work im going to the mall again across the street to get Von a birthday gift. His birthday is Sunday.
I didn't hear anyone else talking about Von's birthday. But I think they just don't wanna give away the gifts they got for him. And I feel bad because I haven't gotten anything yet.
But I am gonna try to get him things I know he would like. He really loves his shoes and clothes. So I think I'm gonna get him some new shoes and 2K24. Jae, Quincy, and Dayvon have been talking about that a lot and Von doesn't have it yet. So I think that'll make a good gift.