Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part. These parts are going to start to move a little fast because im trying to hurry up and get to when Von is famous and shit. I'm going to try not to move TOO fast but i wanna get to the bullshit😭
Sevyn POV
Los Angeles, California
November 20th
Wednesday, 7:23 p.m.I'm only saying oh my God because I have NEVER done anything like that before. That felt so grown.
I'm kind of somewhere between ashamed and embarrassed.
Von got off the bed and rushed to the bathroom and came back with a pack of baby wipes.
"My bad ma. I ain't know you was gone be good at that shit." Von said wiping my stomach free of the white substance. And he grabbed my hand and wiped that down as well.
"You aight Sevyn?" Von said picking my panties and tights up off the floor. And I abruptly covered my face and heard him laugh.
"You regret that shit or you aight ma." Dayvon said.
"I'm fine." I said uncovering my face and putting on my panties.
"Then whats wrong?" He asked sitting on the bed next to me.
"I've never done anything like that before. I was just...nervous and shy." I shrugged and he kissed me.
"Why you good at that ma? Thank you fa gettin comfortable wit me enough to do shit like that ma. I know it's weird for you cause yeen neva done it befo." He said looking at me.
"I just wantchu to know and shi that im not using you fa whatchu got down there. I really want you not just sex witchu ma." He said and I kissed him and whatever little sense of regret I felt just went away.
I never wanted to give my body away to someone who I feel like doesnt like me or is just using me. I want to trust that person not to hurt me or use me.
"It's okay Dayvon." I said pulling my tights back up and he kissed me.
"Why you good at that shi though? I'm boutta get mad." He said looking at me and i laughed.
"I was just following your directions Von." I said.
"Ion like when YOU call me Von. I only like when you call me Dayvon. Cause you the only one." He said and I laughed.
"Okay Dayvon." I said climbing on top of him and he kissed me. Von went on his phone and i just watched him attentively. I just love staring at him.
As we were just chilling we heard the front door open and we knew it was his mom.
"Von?! Sevyn?!" His mom called for us coming up the stairs and I sat up and got up off the bed opening the door for her.
"Is something wrong?" I asked.
"Guess what the fuck I just saw going viral?" His mom said and me and Dayvon looked at each other.
"What?" Dayvon said sitting up.
"Crazy Story." She said and we looked at each other again and looked at her.
"What do you mean by viral?" I asked making her laugh and she immediately pulled out her phone.
And she went on TikTok and saw the sound of Von's song had like 1 million posts to the song and my eyes went wide.
"Dayvon look! Oh my God!" I said smiling looking at the phone and he got up taking the phone.
"Oh shit! Wait!" Von said smiling. I love his smile.
"We makin it out the hood!!" His mom screamed making us laugh.
"Lemme check my damn. Oh shit." Von said quickly getting his phone and started going on social media and started seeing everyone @ him in stories and shit and I smiled seeing his reaction because he really didn't know what to say or do.
"Dayvon." I said looking at him and he covered his face laughing.
"Yo. Where we going ta celebrate. On BD we goin outside." He said making me and his mom smile.
"With who?" I asked.
"Everybody. Everybody gotta come. Oh shit. We is out the hood wit this." He said making me and his mom laugh.
"Just let me get dressed. Text everybody." His mom said rushing back to his room and I laughed and closed the door behind her.
"Ma." He said in a serious tone looking at me.
"What?" I said.
"Ma. This big ma. Ion—"
"Don't get nervous Dayvon. Isn't this what you wanted?" I said holding his hands.
"Yeah but goddamn. I ain't expect it ta move so fast ma." He said.
"You're made for this Dayvon. You can do this." I said looking in his eyes and he kissed me.
"King Von." I said hugging him tight and he laughed.
"Pick out ma outfit. We goin out." He said pushing me to the closet and sat down.
I picked out Dayvon's outfit and he went and changed in front of me but i still covered my eyes. It's kinda weird to see it unless we're in like an intimate moment. It's just like...why is that out right now?
When he was done he went with me back to my house so i could change. And i told Nana where we were going and what was happening.
I freshened up really fast because i really didn't have time to shower like i wanted.
Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.
Love you!💋

I Hate You
FanfictionSevyn and Von hung around the same people but did not like each other. But they were just cordial. Until Von's birthday came up and Sevyn was the only friend of his that remembered.