Part 18

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Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
August 10th
Monday, 10:55 p.m.

I finished cooking and made Von's plate first and gave it him with a side of some grape kool-aide. I made my nana's plate and put it in the microwave for her to eat soon. And I made my plate and me and Von went to my room and I turned on Joseline's Cabaret per Von's request.

I turned it on before eating but Von did not waste time at all.

"Goddamn ma. You ca cook too." He said eating the rice that had gravy over them and I laughed.

We ate and I put the dishes up and we just sat around watching Joseline's Cabaret but Von was going around my room and exploring as he would call it. And I was just watching him go through everything but my damn panty drawer.

"How you feel about me ma?" Von asked out of nowhere.

"Excuse me." I said and he came over to me standing next to where i was sitting.

"How you feel about me?" He asked.

"'re cool Von." I said looking at him and his expression dropped which made me laugh and he pushed me.

"Stop playin. How you feel about me? Befo I pop you in yo damn mouf." He said.

"No really you're cool Von. I've enjoyed spending time with you. The short one on one time we've had." I said nodding and I noticed him looking at my lips.

"Von." I said.

"I like when you say my name ma." He said which started to make me nervous wondering what was coming next. He kept staring at me and I pushed him away.

"Stopppp." I whined.

"I want you Sevyn." He said coming closer.

"You have a girlfriend." I said.

"No I don't. Not no mo. I want you." He said and before I could respond he grabbed my neck like he did yesterday and leaned down kissing me. Von kisses so soft but aggressive. It's a good combination of both. And his lips are so softtttttt.

"Von." I said in between the kiss.

"Hmm ma?" He said kissing me deeper and once I came to my senses I pushed his hand away from my neck but he grabbed it again leaning me back hovering over me.

"Von. No." I said looking at him seriously and he stopped and sighed.

"You cant keep doing this. You dont feel anything. But I feel guilty. I avoided Asian all day just because I felt bad. I dont wanna be that girl that kisses another's girls man. I wouldn't want it done to me. If you wanna kiss someone. Kiss someone else Von." I said and he took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry ma. I aint mean to make you feel uncomfortable ah nun." He said.

"You didn't make me feel uncomfortable. I just can't not think of Asian. Like that has to be some thought in your head." I said looking at him.

"I getchu ma. But I want you. I want YOU." He said and I shrugged.

"You have a girlfriend Von. I cant do that. Don't feel bad." I said touching his hand.

"When you touch me I want you mo." He said making me laugh and take my hand off his.

Once he calmed down he sat on the edge of the bed and we continued watching Joseline's Cabaret. But I'm getting ready to kick him out because I need to be going to sleep.

Dayvon POV

As me and Sevyn was watching the show I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

asian: u still mad at me?
asian: come ova
asian: ill give you sum head and make it up to you

I looked up and took a deep breath.

"I gotta go Sevyn. Imma see you tomorrow." I said getting up starting to get all my stuff and she got out the bed and walked me to the door.

"See you Von." She said and I hugged her.

"Gimme one mo kiss?" I said.

"On the cheek." She said tilting her head and I leaned towards her. Whatever I can get from her honestly. She laughed and kissed my cheek and I left out.

25 MINUTES LATER, when I got to Asian's house I texted her before I even got up to the porch.

Asian's parents are never home. We've had sex in the living room before.

When I got to the door she was waiting for me. I walked up and pushed the door closed behind me. She tried to reach up on me and kiss me but I stopped her. I dont wanna kiss her after I just kissed Sevyn.

"Get on yo knees." I said pushing her down by her shoulders and she just obliged. She undid my pants and I leaned my back against the door watching ha. She pulled it out of my boxers and I wasn't hard because I'm not even hard no more when I see Asian.

She sucked it a little and it gradually got harder. And she sucked the tip.

"Hurry up Asian." I said looking down at her. I don't even wanna be here long.

She wrapped her hand around it and started deepthroating it and I closed my eyes and threw my head back.

"Fuck." I said lowly. I let my imagination take over with the pleasure and I just imagined it was Sevyn. But knowing her she would probably do this a little slower and softer.

Which just thinking about how exactly she would do it just made me wanna bust.

"Cmon." I said putting my hand on the back of her head and I started moving her back and forth fucking her face.

"Cmon Asian. You ca take it." I said watching her gag and choke and she looked up at me with tears starting to form in her eyes and I saw more spit start to come up the more I fucked her face.

"Keep lookin at me." I said biting my lip as she held the eye contact and I started going harder until I pushed as far as I could down her throat and let my nut spurt out down her throat and I pulled it out.

"Move." I said walking past her and going to the bathroom. I got a baby wipe and cleaned myself up and pulled my pants up walking back out.

"Where you goin Von?" She said looking confused.

"You said head Asian. I aint say I was gone forgive you." I said unlocking the door opening it but she put her hand on it pushing it closed.

"Von. Stop playin wit me what is yo problem?" She said.

"Do you not know what yesterday was?" I said.

"The 9th the fuck." She said and I just store at her wondering if she would remember but she looked at me with a straight face.

"Aight yo. Move. Fa I move yo ass out my way." I said pushing her hand away and opening the door.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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