Part 120

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Sevyn POV

Chicago, Illinois
May 2nd
Tuesday, 8:31 P.M.

I pulled the covers over my head curling up in a ball. This is the 5th round Dayvon is trying to go.

"Dayvon. No. Like literally no." I said shaking my head under the covers and Dayvon deeply sighed.

"Aight ma. Just come take a shower wit me. I won't try nun." Dayvon said and i peaked only my eyes out the covers to look at him.

"You're lying." I said making him laugh.

"Come on ma. And then we gone drive and smoke. I know you like that." He said and I smiled and got from under the covers making him laugh.

We went in the bathroom and we took a shower and he actually didnt try anything.

When we got out i did my routine and wrapped up my hair. I put on some pajama shorts and a tight t shirt. I put on some fluffy socks and my teddy bear slippers.

"What is takin so damn long?" Dayvon said because i was still in the bathroom. And when he came in he saw me drying and brushing my eyelashes.

"I just need a second baby they're almost done." I said keeping my eyes on myself in the mirror.

"Imma roll the blunts ma." He said going back to the room. And he took out the bag of weed he had in our suitcase. He got the tray and sat on the bed rolling up.

When i was done I put my jewelry back on because...i sleep in my jewelry. I never take it off unless im showering and don't want it in the way.

The only thing i NEVER take off under any circumstances is my promise ring. I came out the bathroom sliding back on my bracelets.

And Dayvon already had 3 blunts rolled.

"You look sexy ma." Dayvon said making me smile shyly and he laughed.

"Lemme put them in the microwave." Dayvon said getting up and going to the microwave and I just shook my head. Nala said she does that and it makes the weed more "magical". Whatever the fuck that means.

Dayvon got his stuff and i got mines and we left out.

"Light it ma." Dayvon said putting the blunt between his lips in the elevator and I raised the lighter to him and lit it. He took a hit and ghosted it and I just watched him mesmerized.

Until he turned and blew the smoke in my face and i looked the other way.

"Now I don't like you." I said shaking my head making him laugh.

"I'm sorry. Gimme kiss ma." He said leaning down and kissed me.

He took another hit and when we got off the elevator and went to the car. He unlocked the door and opened the door for me and passed me the blunt. As he was closing the door I took hit of the blunt and he got in on the other side.

He started the car and I just looked around taking in the scenery.

"Connect yo phone ma." Dayvon said starting to drive and I put the blunt between my lips and connected my phone pressing shuffle. Poetic Justice by Kendrick Lamar ft Drake. I have a specific playlist I play when I'm with Dayvon.

Dayvon started to just driving around and passed the blunt back and forth.

"Aight whatchu want ta eat ma?" Von asked.

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