Part 157

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Sevyn POV

Atlanta, Georgia
December 7th
Saturday, 9:37 P.M.

"Okay im going to text you guys when I get some snacks from downstairs. And im about to take pictures." I said spreading my lipgloss across my lips.

"Okay. I'm gonna be with you first so we can get more woods. Actually don't get snacks. We're going to the store anyway. Take your pictures." India said.

"Alright. I'm going to get some cash together. Text me." I said and we blew kisses at each other before she hung up.

I just finished getting ready for the club. I was wearing this.

Just something calm and casual but I could still show off my new tattoo

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Just something calm and casual but I could still show off my new tattoo. The more and more I stare at my tattoo. The more I like it.

I took pictures in the mirror and in the hallway and just of myself. And I took some videos.

I checked India's location and saw she was on her way so I started to post the stuff I took before we get to the club.

And of course. Since I made the mistake of unblocking Dayvon on Instagram when we fell asleep on the phone. He was the first person to slide up.

@Kingvonfrmdao: replied to your story: SINCE WHEN YOU GET A TATTOO??????
@Kingvonfrmdao: sevyn imma beat yo ass
@Kingvonfrmdao: im mad asf u look sexy as fuck
@Kingvonfrmdao: i just wanna kiss yo pussy

@7sevyn7: i just got it today

@Kingvonfrmdao: who tf told u u ca get a tattoo ?

@7sevyn7: my bad didnt know i needed your permission ...?😂

@Kingvonfrmdao: y u wanna be funny n wait till now to get a tattoo tho
@Kingvonfrmdao: u a fuckin joke sevyn

@7sevyn7: every time i look on my phone its you starting an argument over nothing

@Kingvonfrmdao: u got a tattoo n aint tell me
@Kingvonfrmdao: that's not a argument ova nothin

@7sevyn7: i do not need your permission to get a tattoo dayvon i really dont so bye.

I left the chat and went back to posting all my stuff because i wasnt even done. And i noticed someone else DM'd me.

@nardowick: replied to your story: u gone ignore me n pop out lookin good asf wit a tattoo ?
@nardowick: u weird asl sevyn😂

@7sevyn7: i didnt mean tooooo😭
@7sevyn7: and thank u

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