Part 137

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
June 18th
Monday, 8:10 P.M.

When we left out of my house we went down to his car and I rolled down the window and lit the blunt Dayvon gave to me not too long ago.

"How many kids you wanna have ma? Cause that's how many times imma nut in you when we move." Dayvon said making me roll my eyes.

"I only want 2. And they will not be coming any time soon." I said shaking my head.

"I know not now ma. I'm askin fa the future. And what kinda house you want? I want like a huge house ma." He said.

"I want like an old money looking house. I want cheetah print on all my stufffffff. That would be so cute." I said passing him the blunt.

"Whatever you want imma get it." Dayvon said making me smile.

10:55 P.M.

When me and Dayvon were finished with our dinner, and he took me somewhere FANCY. He drove to the party. I texted Quincy to make sure they were all still there.

When we got there we went straight to the backyard where Amiri told me they were.

Me and Dayvon sat down and started smoking and talking with everyone else.

"I still think it's a little awkward that Jae and Amiri here. Together. Or here period. Love yall down. But we all never talked about shit." Nala said.

"So let's talk." Jae spoke up.

"Are yall actually healthy n shit? Like you not cheatin on her no more? Cause I can't take another Amiri crash out." Nala said shaking her head making us all laugh.

"We is healthy. Have y'all seen us argue lately?" Jae said and I didn't look up because the only reason we haven't heard them argue is because we haven't all been around each other as of lately.

But Amiri still tells me what's going on with her and Jae. I do know they argue. If not worse just as bad as they did before. I'm just helping Amiri control her anger better so she doesn't completely lash out on everyone.


"Then we good. And Sevyn." Jae said making me pick my head up.

"Yes?" I said.

"I have a bone to pick with you." He said and my eyebrows raised.

"What bone?" I asked.

"Why after this one. Hit me and Asian. She was on the phone talking shit to you saying she was gonna beat my sister Lia up." Jae said and I looked at Amiri then Jae.

You let him go through our messages?

Unless he took your phone, but I can't see that happening because Amiri would have told me about that.

"And?" I said.

"Why you just let ha? You know Lia. Why you bein weird to—"

"How the fuck is Sevyn being weird to your sister cause YO girl was talking shit about beating ha up. Ask Amiri, yo girl about that shit. Don't question my girl." Dayvon said.

"I handled ha. Trust. But Sevyn you fucked up fa not checkin ha. As far as I know you threatened my sister too." Jae said and I made a confused face.

"You know I would never threaten your—"

"So why you ain't defend ha." Jae said and Dayvon took a deep breath and stood up.

"Come on ma." Dayvon said and I instantly stood up next to him.

"Where you—"

"Cause you gone one mo time ta interrupt ha when she fuckin talkin. You know damn well Sevyn ain't threaten yo sister. N if she did where the fuck Lia at? She want a squabble? Cause she ca have that." Dayvon said.

"Dayvon don't—"

"Please baby." Dayvon said and I sighed.

"When Sevyn is wrong niggas should be able to call ha out." Jae said standing up.

"I would neva say shit about nobody bein real wit ha. But there's a way you gone talk to ha. N she ain't wrong. So ain't shit to call out. Fuck is you talkin about. Let's go ma." Dayvon said pulling my hand and I followed behind him.

When we got to the car I watched Dayvon start the car angrily.

"Dayvon." I said.

"You be too muhfuckin nice ma. Way too nice." He said and I put my hand on his and he let out a big breath.

"I ain't wanna raise my voice at him n shit cause that's my manz. But hell nah. Ion like how people be talkin ova you. Cause niggas not talkin bout NOTHIN." He said and I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Thank you baby." I said kissing his cheek.

Dayvon started driving and we went back to my house and I packed a bag.

"Nah we stayin fa a couple days ma. Pack more." Dayvon said and I looked at him before taking another suitcase out the corner.

"Where exactly is this house and how far is it Von?" I asked starting to look through my clothes again folding things up and putting them in the case.

"Real far ma I ain't gone lie. Up where it's at its stores n shit. I ain't tryna take you all away from everybody. I just wanna be far away from everybody so they can't bother us. You always complainin about not having enough real personal time. This our personal time." He said and I couldn't help but smile.

"Aww Dayvon." I said coming over to him wrapping my arms around his neck. Now I will most definitely be throwing ass off the walls when we get to the house.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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