Sevyn and Von hung around the same people but did not like each other. But they were just cordial. Until Von's birthday came up and Sevyn was the only friend of his that remembered.
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Sevyn POV
Los Angeles, California August 7th Friday, 4:59 p.m.
15 MINUTES LATER, when we arrived we got out and i made sure to leave the driver 5 stars just for letting us giggle and look stupid in the back. We went inside but i texted the groupchat letting the boys know we were here.
We started just walking around not going into any stores yet until we found the boys. And when they finally texted back they said they were at Against All Odds.
So we made our way over there and went over and hugged them. I hugged everyone but Dayvon.
We're always bumping heads. And by we i mean him. Ever since Jae introduced him to the rest of us. He is mean and im nice so i think we're just too much of opposites. We clearly dont see things the same.
"Yall want something out of here or yall wanna go?" Quincy asked.
"Nah i wanna look in here." Amiri said walking away. I was just staring into space. Because once you get too lost in your thoughts when you're high. You rarely ever come back down from them.
"Yo. Sevyn." Quincy said putting his hand on my shoulder and i looked at him with a blank stare.
"Whatchu high off?" Quincy asked making me start laughing which made all of them start laughing from my goofiness.
"I got a pen. Yall wanna hit it?" Nala said giving it Jae.
"Let's go outside for a second with it tho. Yall gone be here? We just gone take 3-4 pulls and come back." Jae said and i nodded. And him, Quincy, and Von left out. I followed behind Nala who was still high but controlling her high better than before.
I still dont know how to really control my high. So i like to stick close to people.
"Jae is just so damn fine. Like let me sit on your faceeeee." Amiri said as me and Nala came up to her and i laughed.
"But when we was all talking 2 days ago you said you would never date Jae." Nala said.
And i know that made Jae feel a way because he told me he's had a crush on Amiri since freshman year.
"I know but i was just playing too much." She said shrugging looking through the stack of clothes in the display table.
We looked around and i ended up getting 2 sweatshirts. And as I was at the register with Amiri and Nala. The boys came back and you could tell they were done up.
I paid and Quincy held my bag for me and we continued walking around. All of us laughing at stupid things because we were high. We went into damn there every store.
But we all ran when we saw Spencer's. I picked out some graphic t-shirts. I love wearing big t shirts to bed. And then the boys made their way to the back being immature and playing with the adult toys.
"Aye Sevyn. I know you be stickin' these up yo butt and shit." Von said holding up some beads and i rolled my eyes.
"You and Jae be sticking that up each others ass." I said.
"Don't play wit me." Jae said playfully pushing me making me laugh.
All of us ended up getting something out of there so it took us a while to leave. And the boys started to complain they were hungry. So we went to the Chick Fil-A in the mall. But right across from Chick Fil-A was Bath & Body Works.
So me and Amiri went while they kept the spot in line.
Me and Amiri picked out perfumes and body butters, lotions, hand sanitizers, body washes, and candles. And Amiri offered to pay. But i said we could just go half on the total. And we went back over to Chick Fil-A as they were ordering and ordered our food.
I was the last to order which just left me in the front. So i just paid so no one else would have to. I really didnt care what the total was.
"Sevyn." Quincy said hitting my arm.
"Huh?" I said confused.
"I know damn well you ain't just pay for ALL the food." He said and they all started looking at me.
Dayvon POV
Sevyn has a bad habit of just paying for everything when we do things as a group. Which irritates the fuck outta me sometimes.
Like why are you so damn nice? I really dont get people like ha.
"Aye i aint complain." I said shrugging.
Jae and Sevyn went off to the side to wait on the food while we went and found a table and pulled up some extra seats. I went on my phone texting my bitch Misharron. Everybody just calls her Asian though.
asian: wyd
vonnie🫶🏾💍: at the mall wit my friends
asian: that bitch sevyn there?
vonnie🫶🏾💍: yk she here she plan all the trips
asian: but idk why u gotta hang around that bitch when i been told u i dont ha
vonnie🫶🏾💍:... vonnie🫶🏾💍: i really dont feel like arguin im bout to eat
asian: who said i was tryna argue
vonnie🫶🏾💍: this always start a argument tho
asian: since it always start a argument idk y u keep doin it
vonnie🫶🏾💍: ill talk to u later asian
I put my phone down and rolled my eyes. She doesnt like Sevyn but i think it's because Sevyn is just so nice. But for her Asian not liking Sevyn because she's really nice just sounds stupid.
For me it's in a friendly arguing way. For Asian it just looks jealous.
They came over with the food and as soon as Sevyn came over she sat down. And sat down next to me and started taking the food out of the bags passing everyone's food to them. She memorized our orders at every fast food restaurant.
"You want extra sauce?" Sevyn asked and i nodded.
"Put it on the sandwich." I said and she opened it and took the top half off the sandwich put the sauce over it.
No matter how much i dont like her. She really is like another mother to us. She spread it all over and cut it for me. She made sure everyone else had their stuff before she started eating.
And i dont know if it was because i was high and hungry. But that food was AMAZING.