Part 9

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Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
August 9th
Sunday, 2:32 p.m.

Von grabbed my neck and kissed me and I just froze with my eyes wide open. But my body just gave in and I let my eyes shut and kissed him back.

I put my hand around his wrist that was around my neck so he could loosen his grip. I'm really not used to rough things.

He tightened his grip on my neck and kissed me harder and I pulled away first and looked at him.

"You sexy as hell ma." Von said looking at my lips.

"Von." I said pushing him away and he looked at me confused.

"You have a girlfriend. Why'd you do that? Oh my God." I said immediately feeling guilt and getting off the bed. I went to the bathroom and closed the door putting my back against it.

I know this SEEMS like an overreaction. But ive never been the type of girl to kiss another girls boyfriend or sleep with another girls boyfriend. Because I know I wouldn't want it done to me.

And I was JUST telling him how I broke up with my ex for kissing another girl. And here I am. Kissing another girls boyfriend?...hell no.

I feel really really bad. I don't even know how I'll be able to face Asian tomorrow. Sitting in class, walking by her in the hallways knowing I kissed her boyfriend. I feel damn there dirty.

"Sevyn. Come on ma. It's not that serious." Von knocked on the bathroom door and I shook my head.

"It is. You shouldn't even be in my room. We should be out in the living room." I said and he chuckled. And I opened the door looking at him.

"What is funny about this?" I said.

"Sevyn I be doin way worse trust me." He said.

"But not with me. I don't want it being done with me." I said.

"You know I find it cute how you really feel guilty." He said and I looked at him with a straight face.

"This is serious Von. This is cheating." I said walking past him and flopping on the bed face first.

"I'm sorry Sevyn. But this isn't the worst thing I did. I can't even feel sorry." He said sitting next to me and I sat up sitting next to him.

"How couldn't you feel guilt for hurting someone?" I said.

"Sevyn. Do you not know me at all? I kill people lil folks. I rob people. I don't feel shi." He said and I looked at him and I couldnt help but feel bad.

You are not born just not being able to feel things like sympathy or remorse. Things happen in your life that cause you to be that way.

I know Von hasn't had an easy life growing up. I know what he does outside. But hurting someone on purpose and not feeling sorry just never made sense to me.

"But why do you cheat? Why are you with her if you're just gonna cheat?" I said.

"I'm not with her to cheat. Me and Asian have a complicated relationship. I stay wit ha cause I've known ha fa so damn long. Ion think she good fa me honestly. It's toxic as hell. Im big enough ta understand that. And I don't cheat on purpose. I just...fuck up." He said.

"Multiple times? You can't just blame it on fuckin' up. You can't do it over and over and call it a mistake." I said.

"Ion like yo ass. You wise and shit. Soundin like yo grandmotha." He said laughing making me laugh.

"You're my friend Von. And I care about you. You not alone Von. Don't stay somewhere toxic. If it's not serving you, then let it go." I said patting his leg and I got up.

Dayvon POV

Talking with Sevyn for the day made me feel 10x more calmer than I've ever felt with Asian. Sevyn rationalizes everything.

Asian be making me angry and do dumb shit. I aint got mad this whole damn day wit Sevyn. And I can't remember the last time I went a long while like this wit out getting mad at something.

Sevyn went to the door opening it and I furrowed my eyebrows and ran up to ha grabbing ha arm.

"Where you goin?" I said.

"To the kitchen. Did you want to come?" She said and now I'm just noticing all the little things about her. She talk proper as hell and she so gentle. I neva had that.

"Yeah. Tell me when you leavin." I said.

"Okay. My bad." She said starting to walk and I followed behind her. She went into the kitchen and I heard a loud ass movie coming from nana room.

"Fuck she in there watchin?" I said laughing sitting at the counter.

"One of her movies. You want something? Snack. Drink. You want me to make you something?" She asked opening the fridge.

"Nah ma. You good." I said and took a big candy bar out the freezer and got a glass of milk. And we walked back to her room. She carefully put the glass on milk on her nightstand on top of a coaster and sat down getting under her blanket and I closed the door and got on the bed with her.

"Can I change the movie?" She asked picking up the remote.

"Yea. It's yo room ma." I said laughing.

"Can we watch Homecoming?" She asked looking at me with pursed lips. Like she was ready for me to say no.

"That shit by Beyonce?" I said and she nodded.

"I just love that movie." She said going to Netflix.

"Why? Ain't it jus a performance?" I said.

"It's not just a performance. It is THEE performance. Not a lot of people are gonna get it. Everything down to the lights was strategically done. Perfectly done. This is one of my favorite movies actually." She said and I chuckled.

"Ion mean ta laugh. I just neva heard that. And I neva really watched the movie for real." I said.

"Von Von Von. I am going to break down every song, lyric, costume change, not change, and every piece of choreography to you." She said with a big smile and I just laid back letting her. I could tell she was excited about saying it.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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