Part 159

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Sevyn POV

Atlanta, Georgia
December  13th
Friday, 3:50 P.M.

Me and Dayvon really haven't spoke that much since after the club. When I woke up i was actually really mad at him. Well...not at first.

Flashback to Sunday

I woke up to Dayvon's arm over me pulling me closer. And for once since i left i felt so safe and warm. I took in a deep breath in the crook of his neck taking in Dayvon's scent.

I put my arm over him just feeling his big body over mines.

"Baby." I said lightly but his ear.

"Hm?" He said.

"You want to get breakfast baby?" I said and he nodded.

About this time i should actually just talk to Dayvon. Because last night, i dont remember really anything besides seeing him and him taking me back here. I just felt all of my feelings for Dayvon come out at once. But I didn't want to show him with words.

I could barely remember why I was even mad at him in the first place the way he made me feel last night.

I got up and off the bed and Dayvon did the same. He went to the bathroom and started the shower while I made the bed.

I turned around to the bathroom and I realized I haven't picked up my phone in a while. But as I was about to Dayvon rushed to me grabbing my hand.

"Fuck you need yo phone fa to shower? This is our time." Dayvon said making me roll my eyes and just let him pull me to the bathroom.

After I tied up my hair and took my clothes off. We got in the shower.

45 MINUTES LATER, when we got out I started to dry off and open the bathroom door to let the steam out.

"When did you pick me up? I don't remember." I said as I squirted some product for my face on my hand.

"From inside the club." Dayvon said and I raised an eyebrow before starting to spread it all over my face.

"I don't remember that either. Can you get my phone off the nightstand. I haven't checked it for hours." I said leaning my head down to rinse my face with water.

"You'on even need a phone—"

"What is your problem? Can you please get my phone?" I said looking at him getting a dry napkin patting down my face and he sighed and got my phone. As i held out my hand for it he pulled his hand back.

"Befo i give you yo phone. Let me explain." He said and i tilted my head.

"Is it something that's going to make me mad Dayvon?" I said.

"It might." He said.

"Is it involving another bitch? Because you can get the fuck out and I'm never talking to you again at this point." I said looking at him with a straight face.

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