Sevyn and Von hung around the same people but did not like each other. But they were just cordial. Until Von's birthday came up and Sevyn was the only friend of his that remembered.
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Sevyn POV
Los Angeles, California August 9th Sunday, 6:49 p.m.
When we got to Olive Garden we saw the parking lot was full. But i was looking inside and it didn't look crowded. The parking lot is just small.
"I wanna get a booth. Let me out. You guys find a parking spot. What do you want to drink?" She asked.
"Sprite." I said.
"Water." Von said before unlocking the door and my nana got out going inside.
"We can't kiss again ma?" Dayvon asked making me laugh.
"I'm starting to think you wanna kiss me. Like really bad." I said making him laugh.
"Would it be bad if I say you were right." He said.
"No Von. I feel weird about it knowing you have a girlfriend." I said and he sighed.
"You gone kiss me again Sevyn." He said starting to park and i rolled my eyes.
"Don't hold your breath on it." I said putting my bag over my shoulder. He put the car in park and sat up and looked at me and i laughed looking at him.
"Gimme kiss." He said.
"You gone make me?" I said tilting my head and he sighed.
"Hug?" He said.
"You are THIRSTY." I said sitting up and he hugged me. But wouldn't let me go making me laugh.
"Move Von." I whined and he let me go.
We got out the car and walked up to the door and as I was about to reach for it. Von aggressively pushed me out the way and I stumbled to the side and looked at him.
"You don't even touch doors when you wit Jae and Quincy. I've opened doors for you. You know that." He said and i laughed and walked in. People were already staring at us.
We found my nana and sat down across from her and the drinks were already there so i took a sip and picked up the menu.
A little later the waitress came and took our orders and a little after that she brought us our food.
"I still guys..would be a good couple." My nana said pausing in between chewing her food and I threw my head back.
I hate discussing this when he has a girlfriend. It feels disrespectful.
"Fine ion like yo ass eitha. Actin like that." Von said scrunching up his face making my nana laugh.
"I'm just saying you have a girlfriend. Have respect for her." I said.
"Von. You know what you told me. I know what you told me. Why you still with that girl?" My nana said and now I'm wondering what he told her about Asian. Why is he so ready to pick up and leave her?
"I know nana. But we spent so much time togetha. Allat shit was a waste?" He said.
"If you stay with someone because you don't wanna feel like you wasted your time you're going to waste more time Von. Do you love her?" She asked him.
"Love is a strong word." Von said chuckling and i just shook my head. I kinda feel bad for her right now.
Imagine being in a relationship and your boyfriend secretly doesn't even like you. I would cry.
"So are you gonna stay with her?" My nana asked.
"Imma see sum wit ha real quick." Von said and i looked off to the side.
"Excuse me while I got to the bathroom." I said scooting out the booth.
My feelings are not hurt it's just kinda lied. You just said in my room you would break up with her for a chance to kiss me again. And now "imma see sum wit ha real quick". I don't get it. Not saying leave her for me. That's weird. I wouldn't even wanna be with you after that.
But that's still a weird thing to say and you just contradicted yourself.
Dayvon POV
Did i hurt her feelings? Did i make her feel a way by saying i was gonna see something with Asian? Ion get it.
"Did you do something to her Von?" Nana asked.
"I dont know." I said.
"What did yall really do in the room? I don't think you guys had sex. My little Sevyn is not even like that." She said making me laugh.
"You know ha so well. I mean...we kissed. But she pushed me away fast because she felt bad for Asian." I said.
"That's always Sevyn. Always thinking of other people. But that is wrong Von." She said.
"What?" I said.
"I know you be cheating on Asian. But Sevyn is not the one to do it with. She not a side piece. That girl is amazing. And im not just saying that because she's my grandchild." She said.
"I saw a lot of her today. I just feel bad nana. I been a lil mean to ha since I've known ha. I ain't gone lie." I said and she nodded.
"But she remained nice to you. She never had nothing bad to say about you." She said.
"I just hope I ain't..make her feel a way because I kissed her and said I was gonna see sum wit Asian." I said.
"What else did you tell her Von?" She said.
"I might have told ha I would break up with Asian to kiss ha again." I said and she immediately shook her head.
"Sevyn takes what people say to heart. It's because she always keeps HER word. So she expects everyone else to. Go say something to her." She said and i nodded and got up.
I went to where the bathrooms is at and waited on ha to come out. When she did and she saw me she took a deep breath.
"I said sum you'on like?" I said stopping her from walking further.
"It doesn't matter to me Von. It's not my relationship." She said looking at me but i could tell she didn't like what i said.
"Cmon ma. If you don't like what i said just say that." I said and she just shrugged.
"You have a girlfriend. I can't feel a way. And this is the first day we've actually had a conversation besides you telling me you don't like me. So..." She said.
"That don't mean you can't feel a way Sevyn. I fuck wit you." I said.
"You think im going to wait around for you to figure out what you want with Asian?" She said with raised eyebrows.
"No I don't—"
"Then what do you want Von? This conversation seems pointless." She said about to walk away but I grabbed her again.
"I don't know what I want Sevyn." I said and she pushed my hand off her arm.
"And you're not gonna play with me until you figure out what you want Von. It's okay." She said walking away from me. And I face palmed myself.
It's not even that im confused. I just genuinely don't know yet.
I like Sevyn but I fuck up a LOT. Like a lot. I don't wanna fuck up with her and be stuck with no one. I might as well stay with Asian who takes me back no matter how many times I fuck up.