Sevyn and Von hung around the same people but did not like each other. But they were just cordial. Until Von's birthday came up and Sevyn was the only friend of his that remembered.
Los Angeles, California October 12 Sunday, 10:32 a.m.
So my grandmother's birthday is coming up. And I love giving people surprise birthday parties. Or surprise gifts. I just love birthdays.
I have never given my grandmother a surprise birthday party. So this one is really special and I feel like I have to do a lot. So for the past 2 months I have been planning.
Being lowkey secretive about where I'm going and what I'm doing so it can really be a surprise. To her she's probably just getting a really nice gift and nothing else to it.
No I've been planning everything. And I've been taking extra shifts at work to get more money. Jae, Quincy, Dayvon, Amiri, and Nala have been planning things and going places but I've been working. So I haven't really been able to go.
I only really talk to them at lunch. I still speak to Von the most. But on weekends he's lucky to hear from me twice honestly. I'm busy working, going to pick up things and check on things.
I'm getting dressed to go see the hall I've picked out. I have really been hush hush on all the details about my nana's surprise party. I'm waiting to send out the invitations especially to my friends.
They are close with my nana too. And they talk too damn much honestly. They might accidentally spill the beans and mess up my hard work. Cant do it.
As I was picking out my clothes my phone started ringing. I quickly got my IPad because that was closest to me to answer the phone.
I pressed answer and I heard Von's voice.
"Why you ain't text me back when I said good morning to yo ass." Dayvon said.
"I was in the shower not too long ago Dayvon. I haven't checked my phone." I said putting my clothes on.
"No you ain't texting me back lately. I ain't fuckin wit it. Where you goin?" He asked.
"Out." I said. I put this on.
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"Out where? This why I be sayin you been on some straight bullshit lately. On O." Dayvon said.
"I literally haven't been doing anything. I have been going to work Von." I said.
"Nah. That whole not tellin me exactly where you goin when you not at work is bullshit. Yeen been goin out wit all us no mo. You bein whack. You'on even let me come over as often. You bein weird." Von said.
"I literally have been going to work and coming home Dayvon." I said.
"See this that-I ain't even arguin witcho ass. What NIGGA is you goin ta see? Cause on King David you doin weird shi." He said and I picked the IPad up going to my vanity and setting up the camera.
"Dayvon I have not been with another boy I can't even believe you're asking me that right now." I said.
"So why ain't you sayin where the fuck you been at? You been wit another-if you wanna go and be a hoe. Go do that shit. But be real what the fuck. Man fuck allis." Von said and hung up and I just store at my iPad with a straight face.
I KINDA see where he is coming from. I would be upset too if Dayvon was dodging texts, missing meet ups, and not telling me where he is going. But I literally refuse to tell him because I feel like it's going to ruin my whole surprise to nana. If he's upset now, when I tell him he'll be fine.
I can't worry about this right now. Too much planning and everything on my plate right now.
I did some light makeup and got up and put on some jewelry. I took pictures of course and posted them with a cute little song.
@kingvonfrmdao: sexy cheatin ass🤮
@7sevyn7: i did not cheat on your ghetto ass
@kingvonfrmdao: then where tf u been goin sevyn
@7sevyn7: it does not matter @7sevyn7: u trying to act like i would do something like that when u know its out of character is about to piss me off
@kingvonfrmdao: get pissed off then wtf @kingvonfrmdao: u bein shady asl @kingvonfrmdao: keep not textin me back n shi see what happen
I just rolled my eyes. You know what anyway.
I got my bag and my things and left out of the door. When I went out I got in my Uber and started texting the person that is showing me the hall. And she said she was already there waiting on me, which thank God because I thought I was going to be late.
When I got there I saw her waiting for me. I got out the car and went to her and greeted her. She showed me the inside of the hall and I was just envisioning where I was going to set up everything and where it was going to go.
This isn't the first hall I've been shown for this party. But this is the first one I actually like and see myself using. So I told her yes, signed a paper, and put down a payment for it. So I rented it out for that day.
When I was done there I got a Uber down to Walmart. There are some decorations that I don't know the name of so I can't order them on Amazon like I want to. So I need to go to Walmart and see them or pick out something.
And since Walmart and Target are across from each other. I'll be going to both places.
As I was in the car Dayvon texted me. I saw...I didn't answer. I could have because technically I'm just sitting here but I really think he's kind of dragging it just a little. If I say I'm not with another boy, just trust me. If he's somewhere I just have to trust that he's not going to snake me out. I don't ask him where he is every second of the day.