Part 34

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Sevyn POV

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Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
August 13th
Friday, 8:01 p.m.

Me and Dayvon talked and laughed a lot. We are more alike than I realized. Except he does...illegal things and I don't. But I can look past that.

When we were ready to go Von paid the bill. And it was quite a lot. And now I'm wondering some things about Von. Like his money.

Where is he getting it? Because he damn sure doesn't have a job.

"Von where are you getting money?" I asked him when the waiter walked away and he looked at me and just laughed.

"Why yo ass so nosy ma." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Where are you getting money Von?" I asked again and he sighed pulling a wad of cash out of his pocket and counting it.

"You want some?" He said.

"No." I said and his eyebrows raised.

"Never met a girl that ain't want some money." He said.

"I'm done talking." I said turning the other way and picking up my phone.

Dayvon POV

I'm blatantly ignoring Sevyn's question. But I don't give a fuck. She don't need to know where I get money from.

I don't want her knowing. I don't want her looking at me any different.

But I don't like when she's upset at me.

Before we left the restaurant I ordered an Uber and tipped and we left out. We got in the car and she was quiet the whole time. She ain't even look in my direction.

When we got to her apartment she quickly got out and started going in. And I moved quickly behind her because I'm sure she would have let the front door close in my face and didnt buzz me up. When we got in she took off her shoes.

"Yeen gone say nun?" I said breaking the silence between us.

"I don't have anything to say." She said starting to walk to her bedroom and I followed her. I sat on the bed and she went straight to her closet to put her shoes up.

"Why you mad ma? What's the problem?" I said getting up and going in the closet and she looked up at me with a straight face.

"I'm not mad. Nothings wrong with me." She said shrugging.

She reminds me of how I used to act to Asian when I was mad. Not giving an answer, ignoring her, being nonchalant, not showing any emotion, saying I don't give a fuck. But I actually did not give a fuck. I cant tell with Sevyn.

"Yo. You bout to piss me the fuck off." I said and she shrugged and went back to organizing her things.

"Yo bro I'm bout to-you know what." I said getting more and more mad at her silence.

"You're about to what. I haven't even said anything." She said looking at me.

"That's the fucking problem." I said.

"How about you go Von? Who exactly are you yelling at?" She said tilting her head looking at me.

"Fine. You'on gotta tell me twice to leave. Fuck wrong witchu." I said turning around and getting my stuff and she stayed exactly where she was at. She didnt even acknowledge me leaving.

But I gotta stand on what I said now. Even though I either wanna run back in there and tell her sorry. Or want her to chase after me.

But as I got closer and closer to the door I realized she wasn't going to come after me.

Sevyn POV

I care for Von I really do. But I am not a begger.

If I feel like you did something wrong and you're not apologizing, we just wont speak.

And I would have just told him what my problem was had he not cussed at me. I don't like that. We can have a conversation, but the cussing at me and raising your voice. That's where you lost me.

If I let him think shit is sweet he'll open up a whole damn bakery.

I sat at my vanity and started taking off my makeup. Dayvon has me a little more heated than I'll admit. But i would never show that to him. Once you show you care, they take it entirely too far.

Once I took off my makeup, I tied up my hair and went to the bathroom. I turned on some music to get my mind off of everything.

August 14th
Saturday, 5:33 a.m.

I woke up to my alarm. I have work. Of course. And I'm working till 5. Might as well get these hours. So next paycheck will be LARGE.

I picked up my phone turning off the alarm and when I checked my notifications I was immediately annoyed.

1 thing I do not like is going to sleep upset at the person I care about. The worst thing you can do is let me sleep on it. And to not even text me at all is just ridiculous.

I wanted to allow myself to think "its literally 5 in the morning he probably just hasn't woken up yet". But the second I start making excuses for something someone does that I don't like. I'll never stop making excuses for them.

I sighed and got out of the bed going straight to the bathroom.

1 HOUR LATER, when I was done in the bathroom I tied my robe around me and went to my bedroom. I made my bed and went to the closet picking out my work clothes. Which is always something basic.

I got dressed and I decided to not do my makeup. It's early as hell. I just don't feel like it. I touched up my hair that I'm going to get done tomorrow morning. But I couldn't get it to look right. So I tied a black satin scarf around it.

I packed my bag and went to the kitchen and made my tea. And I kept some coffee in the pot for my nana for when she wakes up. When I was done I got my keys and left.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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