Sevyn and Von hung around the same people but did not like each other. But they were just cordial. Until Von's birthday came up and Sevyn was the only friend of his that remembered.
Los Angeles, California December 15th Sunday, 9:34 a.m.
I woke up like 10 minutes ago but I've been sitting on my phone for a little bit. When I looked at the time I got out of the bed and went straight to the bathroom. As I was brushing my teeth I was checking my notifications I got confused because Dayvon didn't text me.
But then I remembered...
I started the shower and finished brushing my teeth and turned on some music. Playing Pink + White by Frank Ocean.
45 MINUTES LATER,I dried off when I got out of the shower and put my robe on. I was about to go straight to the kitchen and warm up some leftovers but my phone started ringing and it was Durk. So I quickly picked up.
"Yo Sevyn. I'm on my way ta yo shit wit Von moms and we finna go bail this nigga out. We on our way." He said.
"Okay okay. Bye." I said quickly and we hung up.
I went straight to my closet instead and quickly put together an out and threw it on. I put this on.
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I ran back to the bathroom and started moisturizing my face because I didn't know how close he was to me.
I brushed out my hair, messing up the curls I put it in yesterday. And I put it into a clip because I thought it was cute that it was poofy.
As I was using the spoolie on my lashes Durk texted me saying he was outside. So I got my phone, headphones, and some money. I quickly put on my perfumes and oils and went to the door. I grabbed my keys and went out trying to hurry up.
When I got downstairs I ran to the car jumping in the backseat with Durk and Taesha.
"Damn you moved quick." Taesha said making me laugh.
"She tryna see ha nigga." Durk said sitting back on his phone and I did the same.
When we got there they told me to wait in the car and Taesha and Durk went inside. I just had my headphones on watching TikTok's and I kept breaking my neck to look at the doors every time they opened, just waiting to see Dayvon.
Dayvon POV
When I came out from the back I expected ta see Sevyn. But I only saw my momma and Durk. She mad at me from yesterday a sum? Even if she is that not a reason to not see me when I come out. She the one I wanted to see the most.
They gave me my shit back and we went out the door and the car we was gettin in the door opened and I saw Sevyn. And I smiled when I saw her. She ran to me and I held out my arms fa ha.
I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me and held me tight.
"I thought you ain't come ma." I said laughing and she kissed my cheek.
"You miss me ma? You miss me?" I said and she kissed me and looked at me.
"I missed you baby." She said and I kissed ha letting ha down.
"Sexy ass. I luh you." I said wrapping my arms around her and she hugged me tight looking up at me.
"I love you." She said and we got in the car.
"You wanna talk when we get ta my shit. After a shower tho ma. I ain't gone lie. You said he was gettin the money I ain't shower." I said and she laughed.
"Yes." She said and laid her head on my shoulder. She had her phone in ha hand and I snatched it out and started taking pictures of us even though she wasn't paying no kind of attention to what I was doing.
Durk dropped me, my mama, and Sevyn off at my house. But my mom left out after so she could go to work and me and Sevyn went in the house.
She went straight to my room and I took a shower.
Sevyn POV
I sat on the bed and waited for Dayvon and went on my phone and Nala was texting me.
nala🍃: u got von? he okay?
sevyn🌺: yes we just got him out
nala🍃: he in the room? friend the tea i have to tell YOU
sevyn🌺: no he's in the shower sevyn🌺: TELL ME
nala🍃: so since u have been off the grid since yesterday and von has been locked up we have discovered some things
sevyn🌺: what have WE discovered
nala🍃: before i say this. i hope ur not too mad at von for getting arrested bc with the information we have found out. he was doing what he was doing for u
sevyn🌺: for me ??
nala🍃: so apparently asian has been fuckin around with mark to get information on YOU nala🍃: mark told asian like where u live and shit nala🍃: and ever since von fought mark mark and asian have been plotting to basically kill ur ass friend
sevyn🌺: OMGGGGG KILL ME?????? FOR WHAT?????? WHAT DID I DO?????
nala🍃: asian was talking to quincy probably forgot u and him are best friends nala🍃: quincy said she said "yea and me and mark was gone pack that bitch out" nala🍃: she said that the other day. and quincy texted jae and von and told them nala🍃: quincy explained what happened and von told him to get asian to bring mark around and they were going to get them then nala🍃: jae and von brung they asses over there. they knew that mark would recognize jae's car cause remember he shot at von in that car. so they went on foot nala🍃: they went over there quincy said von just tweaked out and ran up on him. they was jumped mark and robbed him and mark grabbed asian and they was runnin. von shot at them. he shot mark in the back and somebody called the cops nala🍃: unlucky for their ass the cops were damn there right around the corner and already heard the gunshots they all ran but von was too far behind so he told them to go and von got arrested
sevyn🌺: bitch are u fucking kidding me ???? sevyn🌺: idk whether to cuss him out or thank him ?
nala🍃: i just told u so u dont go that hard on him cause his intentions were good this time friend😂 nala🍃: now ion know about the robbing him but his intentions were good for the most part
sevyn🌺: he didnt mention ANY of this sevyn🌺: i didnt even know what he was arrested for
nala🍃: i figured bc u havent been active on no social media or nothing friend nala🍃: u was worried about ur man ?🥹
sevyn🌺: i wasnt as much worried about him as much as he had me fucked up for a second
nala🍃: what did he do?
sevyn🌺: friend too much. he just got out of the shower im going to call u later when i get home or im going to tell u in third period sevyn🌺: but he most def had me fucked up