Part 58

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Dayvon POV

Los Angeles, California
October 20th
Sunday, 8:56 p.m.

When we got to the restaurant it was a restaurant Sevyn picked out. So it ain't surprise me that it was real fancy.

Sevyn is always makin us go to these fancy ass restaurants and dress up. But she gets it from ha nana so I'm not surprised.

I held Sevyn's hand as we walked to the door. And held the door for her and nana. When we went inside we saw everyone else so we just went over there.

"Uh uh come hea ma." I said pulling Sevyn's hand so she would sit next to me. I waited till she sat down and sat down next to her and nana sat at the head of the table.

"You look so pretty nana." Amiri said making nana smile.

"Thank yall. Thank you guys for coming. I didn't even know she was taking me to dinner tonight and I damn sure didn't know you all would be here. I appreciate all of you guys and who you are to my baby. I love you guys." Nana said making us all smile.

Sevyn's grandmother always felt so much like a grandmother to us. Especially to me. My grandmother's is back in Chicago. So I'm glad I got nana to run to fa advice and if I want some good ass chicken. I got ha to fall back on.

Sevyn picked up her menu and I leaned on her shoulder looking with her.

"What do you want to eat?" Sevyn asked me.

"Ion know. Order fa me." I said and she nodded.

Sevyn always orders for the whole table. She just knows what we all want and how we eat it.

"I think I'm going to get the steak and Mac n cheese. That sounds good to me. I'm going to get you the same." She said.

"Aight ma." I said sitting up.

"It's so weird seeing Von and Sevyn all on each other. Like they used to argue all the damn time." Jae said.

"I still don't like ha big headed ass." I said and Sevyn looked at me.

"Remember that." She said nodding making me laugh.

"I'm sorry ma." I said getting in her face and she pushed me away making me laugh.

AN HOUR AND A HALF LATER, we finished eating and now we're onto giving nana ha gifts.

Sevyn gave her the gift bag and she opened it and smiled when she saw what it was.

"That's from me and ha by the way." I said and Sevyn smacked me upside my head making me furrow my eyebrows.

"I paid for it. It's from Sevyn. Only Sevyn." She said making everyone laugh.

"Thank you my baby. Thank you so much." Nana said to Sevyn.

"I gotchu something too nana." I said reaching in my pocket and pulling out a stack.

"Oh shit." Nana said making me laugh and i gave her the stack and she smiled.

"Sevyn make him my grandson in law. ASAP." Nana said making us all laugh and Sevyn side eyed me.

"You want money ma?" I said reaching in my pocket and she shook her head stopping me.

"It's okay." She said.

This is why i love ha ass. She don't ask me for NOTHING. Even when im shoving money in her face she still don't want it and she don't treat me no different.

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