Part 96

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
January 6th
Saturday, 8:25 a.m.

I abruptly woke up and looked around. I sighed and laid back just looking at the ceiling. And I started thinking about yesterday.

I remember waking up in the morning, I remember school and constantly hiding from Dayvon. I remember coming home, but I don't remember a lot after that. It's very foggy.

I tried hard to think and I remember going to the party with Amiri and Nala. But I don't remember the party at all, I remember hearing loud gunshots and being snatched up. I cant remember much else.

Why they always shooting at the parties?

I reached over and picked up my phone looking at the time first. It's 5 minutes before my bell normally rings so I can get in the shower and go to work.

I think im going to call out today. I feel...weird. I feel heavy, I have a slight headache, im hungry, im sleepy, I don't want to get out of the bed. I just really don't feel like myself.

I looked at my notifications and saw Von. Which confused the fuck out of me because I definitely blocked him, so how?

Before I looked at the messages or anything I called out sick from my job and got my day off. And I checked the messages.

von👹: i took yo phone yesterday and unblocked myself cs u gone ttm
von👹: im sendin a uber to yo mf house at 10 its either u bring yo ass here or i violate my probation again and go to u

sevyn💕: dayvon what the hell are u talking about?

von👹: just get yo ass in the uber when it comes

sevyn💕: fine dayvon

I sighed and turned off my phone looking up at the ceiling. He doesn't even know what kind of angry BITCH he is about to get the way i feel right now.

I got up and got off the bed. I had a hard time not dragging my feet to the bathroom because i genuinely did not want to leave my bed.

I started the shower but didnt make the water too hot because all the steam would have just pissed me off some more. I took off my clothes and took a shower, which was refreshing just washing myself off. Because...I don't think I took a shower last night because I don't even remember coming in here.

Like how did I even get home? I have so many questions, if im going to Dayvon. Hopefully he knows what was going on last night.

45 MINUTES LATER, I got out of the shower and dried off. I put my robe on and rushed to open the door to let the little bit of steam out. I went to the bedroom and made my bed. I went to my closet and picked out my outfit. Which didn't take me that long because I don't even feel like dressing up like I normally do.

I put this on.

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