Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.
Los Angeles, California
November 2nd
Saturday, 12:16 A.M.When we got back to the house I got out of the car QUICK and went to the door punching in the code and going in.
I went straight upstairs and took 2 pillows off the bed and a cover from the closet.
"I know damn well you don't think I'm sleepin on the couch cause you got a attitude." Dayvon said.
"No I am dickhead." I said taking my charger plug from out of the wall. And Dayvon came over to me.
"Moveeee." I whined.
"No. Fuck even be wrong witchu? Why did you go all that damn way? Fa what?" He said.
"To make sure you weren't doing EXACTLY what the fuck you were doing. I just knew you were planning something. And you were plotting to kill Jae. Haven't you done enough Dayvon? Who commits MORE crimes when they are already under investigation for over 5 crimes?" I said.
"You think im bout to argue witcho ass every time you get a attitude n I'm not. You sleepin on the couch not me." Dayvon shrugged going to the bathroom. I looked at him before taking a deep breath and going back on my way.
I went downstairs with all my stuff in hand. I went to the living room turning the TV back on and setting up my spot. I turned off all the lights and laid down going on my phone.
Why do we have to keep arguing over the same thingggggg? It gets more and more ridiculous with everything he tries to do now.
This night could not have been more of a fucking disaster. And Amiri pushing me? What the fuck is that about.
I would never put my hands on someone I call my friend. I have never hit, or pushed Nala or Amiri. Because...why would I be? We're friends. But Amiri is pushing me because...what. Because of a nigga? Because of Jae? She loves Jae that fucking much enough to push me over it.
And I'm trying to remember that she's my friend and I respect her, so I wouldn't hit her. But why respect someone, WHEN THEY'RE NOT RESPECTING ME? She pushed me like I was a random bitch on the street she didn't know. Like we haven't been living in the same building since we were little ass girls.
And it's not even that I don't want Dayvon to kill Jae specifically. I don't want him to anyone PERIOD. He is my man, its my job to keep him out of trouble. Or at least attempt to keep him in the right direction.
To just sit back and let him do dumb shit and not encourage him to do better would just be me being a terrible girlfriend. Like I don't care. And I do.
I don't want him to go to jail. I don't want the cops to take him away. I don't want to see him in the courtrooms fighting for his freedom. I don't want to only be able to see him when he calls me from prison. I don't want that.
He's supposed to be out, where he belongs. With me.
I turned off my phone and faced the TV just trying to fall asleep and I finally drifted off.
Dayvon POV
I cannot sleep without this girl next to me.
I get why she mad at me. I get why she mad at me every time. I know she don't want me in jail. I know she don't want them calls from jail. I know she don't wanna see me locked up. I understand ha. N I love and appreciate that she care.
But I gotta do what I gotta do. And I just want ha to stay home where it's safe n she can't get involved in my bullshit.
I sat up and got from under the covers. I grabbed the remote and turned on ha favorite show to watch. That I already hear ha watchin downstairs.

I Hate You
FanfictionSevyn and Von hung around the same people but did not like each other. But they were just cordial. Until Von's birthday came up and Sevyn was the only friend of his that remembered.