Part 63

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part. It pissed me entirely off to put 63 up there but I literally have nothing else to call it other than what it is.

Sevyn POV

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Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
October 21st
Monday, 11:12 p.m.

When the party was over I have been hired people to come by and clean up. So when we left I wasn't worried about anything.

Me and Dayvon went to the car waiting on my nana to wrap up her conversations with everyone.

"You still mad at me?" Dayvon asked.

"I'm not even mad at you Dayvon. I'm not mad as much as I don't understand." I said looking at him.

"Understand what?" He said.

"Understand why you went through my phone. Do you not trust me? You must not trust me." I said.

"I trust you ma." He said.

"Then why did you go through my phone?" I asked and he sighed.

"Man I don't know." He said.

"And then you texted Mark and started an unnecessary problem Dayvon." I said.

"Fuck you mean a unnecessary problem? That nigga was talkin—"

"He wasn't talking to YOU though. So it doesn't matter." I said.

"How you call yo self bein mature n shit and you wont even let a nigga finish talkin." He said and I took a deep breath.

"Go ahead. My bad." I said.

"Ion give a FUCK who he said it to. He said it at all. That nigga lookin at me like im pussy. Shit like that a bitch done already told ha nigga a nigga said that shit. Yeen tell me you got me lookin pussy ma. I aint fuckin wit that. You shoulda told me." He said.

"It would have been the same either way Dayvon. You would have wanted to fight no matter when you found out." I said.

"You damn right. Cause fuck he mean he gone beat my ass. You know how the fuck I get down ma." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't give not one damn how you get down Dayvon. You know I don't want you fighting anyway. So why would I tell you something that would make you want to fight?" I said.

"Ion give a fuck ma. I trust you. Allat. I especially trust you now that I done see you'on even let niggas holla at you. But im bussin that nigga shit tomorrow." He said shaking his head not even looking at me anymore and I sighed.


"It's a respect thing ma. I'm not goin fa that." He said being stubborn and I sighed.

"This is exactly why. Bro." I said opening the passenger seat door and Von grabbed my arm.

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