Part 149

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
November 1st
Friday, 10:33 P.M.

I have BEEN in the house for a while. After I came from hanging out with Nala, she picked me up in HER CAR. Nala got a car. And it's real nice. And she said she is starting to save up for her own apartment now. I am so proud of her.

But we went smoking and to the movies and got a little food and she drove me back to the house. When I came back Dayvon was leaving from where he was and going to the studio with his friends and engineer he said.

But he SAID he would be back by's 33 minutes later and he didn't even text me. Thats not even like him.

I took a shower and put on some pajama pants and one of Dayvon's shirts and went downstairs to the living room. I turned on the TV turning on the Boondocks and checked Dayvon's location.

"The fuck." I said when I saw his location said "not found".

I sat up and went to his contact and texted him.

sevyn🫀: where are u at

dayvon💋: u have my location sevyn

sevyn🫀: okay but i can't see it
sevyn🫀: so where are u really dayvon

dayvon💋: sevyn im at the studio

sevyn🫀: and why do you keep saying my name ...

dayvon💋: u gone make a big deal out of everything sevyn

sevyn🫀: dayvon send me a picture of where you're at like right now

dayvon💋: 2 Attatchments

sevyn🫀: u said u were in the studio not the car

dayvon💋: niggas cant go to the store ma ????

sevyn🫀: i know you're up to something dayvon

dayvon💋: now u think u raven semone ?🤔

sevyn🫀: wait until i figure out what your ass is doing

I rolled my eyes and put it down on the couch. I don't think Dayvon is being sneaky with another bitch or anything. But i think he is doing something he's not supposed to.

I feel when he's off. Like what the fuck are you doing.

I got up and went upstairs getting my iPad and i went on findmy and looked at Dayvon's location. I zoomed it and looked at the exact address.

...the way he is nowhere near any fucking studio. He's on the highway. Fuck would he need to go on the highway for to go to the studio. The studio he normally goes to, there is literally multiple stores around that sell anything he would need. He would not need to get on the highway.

"Oh hell no." I said and swiped over to FaceTime and called Nala.

"Ma'am i am trying to enjoy my night time blunt." Nala said.

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