Part 87

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
December 17th
Tuesday, 4:49 p.m.

All 3 of us left out and started walking. Dayvon was explaining the situation to Durk but i was silent.

I don't really want to fight. I really don't. I hate fighting, like i keep saying. I cant say that i hate when Dayvon fights or do something violent and then go do it myself. Thats hypocritical.

But I've never been one to back down from a fight. But I do try to avoid them if i can. But what can i do when you're constantly pulling my arm about wanting to fight. So im wrong for swinging?

When we got there i already saw Asian and her friends.

"You ready ma?" Von asked me as we started walking up.

"Yes." I said cracking my knuckles really quick.

"Get in there ma. Head up. I ain't playin." Von said and i nodded.

"Oh yeah bitch. Come on. Run up." Asian said clapping as soon as she saw me.

"You wanted to fight. YOU run up. Come on." I said balling my hands up into fists. Asian came up putting her fists up and at first we were just circling until she finally started swinging.

So I started swinging back harder.

"Keep yo muhfuckin head up ma. Throw them shits." I heard Von say. Which only motivated me. Do you think im going to get my ass beat in front of my man??????

She put her head down just trying to swing. But it gave me more of an opening to swing in her face. She grabbed my hair trying to pull me down with her. So i grabbed her shirt and started upper cutting the fuck out of her while backing up.

And she let go of my hair trying to swing on my chest and she picked her head up. And i knocked her right in her jaw as soon as her head picked up. As i was swinging and bobbing and weaving the swings she was throwing, i was backing up so i wasn't running right into her.

I felt her grab onto my shirt. So i grabbed onto her and tried to just throw her down. But i didnt do it hard enough and we both fell. And she fell on top of me. But i started knocking her in her face while she was just trying to push my arms out the way.

"Hell nah. Fuck off ha." Von said starting to break it up. He pushed Asian down making her fall on her ass and he snatched me up by my shirt.

"Come on bitch round 2." I said correcting my stance and putting my fists up again.

I want her on the ground. Even if i was on the ground for not even a whole minute, she was still on top of me. And it's not going like that.

"Nah ma you done." Von said putting hand on my chest.

"No im not. Let's go. 1 more." I said looking Asian.

"Run up bitch." She said shrugging. And i did run up. I threw the fuck out of my right arm hitting her in the side of her eye. Making her jerk to the side. But as soon as she was caught off guard I started swinging some more while walking forward and she tried to back up from the swings.

And she ended up stumbling back and i hit her one good time and knocked her down. And started swinging on her some more until Von broke it up.

"You done ma. You won." Von said picking me up carrying me away.

"Man." I said sighing.

When you do get me riled up to fight. I'm willing to go round after round after round. Regardless if i won or not. I'm still willing to keep going and going.

Von carried me away and when we got far enough he put me down. And i heard Durk laughing.

"Aight Sevyn. I saw you. Ion want no problems." Durk said making me and Von laugh.

"Yeah. I ain't know you get out there like that ma. She be acting like she'on wanna fight and fuck around and beat the shit outta somebody." Von said making me laugh.

"I do not want to fight." I said shaking my head.

"That was yo first time seeing ha fight?" Durk asked Von.

"In person yeah. She fought Asian befo. I seen that shit. Somebody sent it to me. I ain't gone lie I thought you was pussy. I ain't think you was gone swing on nobody. But you jus like me ma." Von said putting his arm over my shoulder.

"Absolutely not." I said pushing him off me and him and Durk laughed.

We went back to Dayvon's house and I sat down in the living room and he just went back to work.

I went on my phone just scrolling and minding my business while Dayvon wrote and recorded.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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