Part 154

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Sevyn POV

Atlanta, Georgia
November 28th
Thursday, 4:37 P.M.

Ever since Dayvon came back from refilling the cup he's been...weird. When the movie was over he seemed to be the same. But im still wondering why he was acting weird for a minute.

But I don't even have time to think about that. We need to go home and change and bring all the food over to India and Durk's house so we can eat.

I have been dreaming of eating all the food we made since we started cooking all this.

We went back to our apartment and I quickly changed and put this on.

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I went to the kitchen without fixing my hair because I have to get everything wrapped up so we can just go

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I went to the kitchen without fixing my hair because I have to get everything wrapped up so we can just go. So after I did that I went back to my little room and started on my makeup and my hair.

When I was finished I got my phone and took pictures of myself.

"Bend over." Dayvon said coming up behind me and i raised an eyebrow. But i saw that look in his eye and immediately shook my head making him laugh.

"No. No. No. We do not have time. And im not going to let you convince me we do." I said.

"We always got time." He said and i turned around to look at him.

"Bend over Sevyn." He said and i kissed him. He put his hands on my butt and i kissed him harder.

30 MINUTES LATER, Dayvon definitely took long than a little quickie but fine. He cleaned me up and started taking the food down immediately.

All i got was my purse and my phone and he carried the rest.

We went to the car and went to Durk and India's house. I texted we were outside and Durk came out and helped Von take everything in the house. I went straight to the kitchen seeing Willow standing at her mother's legs while India was drying off glasses.

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