Part 42

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Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
August 16th
Monday, 7:11 a.m.

Me and nana left out of the building and went to her car. When we got in I put my seatbelt on and went on my phone as nana started the car.

"What happened with Dayvon? Why isnt he here?" My nana asked and i looked at her and turned my phone off.

"He did something really bad nana." I said shaking my head.

"What did he do? He did something to you?" She asked.

"No. Remember yesterday when he said that Asian tried to jump me. When he left the house he went and shot at her and her friends. And he came over at like 11 to make me pee on his hands nana. He's so stupid." I said and her eyebrows raised.

"He shot at her?" She said.

"Yes and her friends. I dont know if he actually shot one of them. But either way. Like...oh my God?" I said making her laugh.

"That is so ghetto. He's shooting at people for you." She said and i just shook my head.

"Why I'm mad at him is because he knows that I'm not with all that. I'm not saying he can't be. That's his business. As long as he doesn't involve me in anything illegal. Which...he's pretty much done. But nana. Is this not the same thing that got daddy arrested for?" I said and she nodded.

"Doing shit the same exact day." She said.

"Exactly. That's like if someone smacks me right now and I don't do anything and then later today that same person gets assaulted. Oh my goodness. Who could it be? Like come on." I said rolling my eyes.

"And what did he say?" She said.

"He was like "i did it for you" i did not ASK you to shoot at anyone. That's first of all." I said shaking my head.

"He got upset. He left. I don't even know what we're arguing for at this point. You're wrong. It was stupid. As long as he's not getting arrested for it. It's not a problem." I said shaking my head.

"He's still mad at you?" She asked.

"Well. He called me before i got dressed and i was acting like a jerk. But i just have an attitude from last night honestly." I said.

"Don't do that. He tells me you do that all the time." She said laughing making me laugh.

"It's hard. Once i get annoyed at something you've done. Anything you do for the next hours is going to piss me off unless you just apologize." I said shaking my head.

"If you're going to keep talking to Dayvon eventually you're going to have to admit when you're wrong and apologize. He's going to get sick of apologizing every time. I'm not saying say sorry just to make him mad. But assess the situation and see both parts." She said and i nodded.

When we pulled up to the school i told her i wanted something to eat. So we walked up the street to the corner store and she bought me a chicken empanada and an Arizona. And she went back to the car and i went into school.

I went straight to the cafeteria and finished my food and cleaned up. I went around the school and greeted everyone i saw and sat with the lady's in the main office while I started on my work from each class.

And 5 minutes before the bell rung for first period. I made my way to my first period class.

When i sat down i put my headphones on and started doing my work while lightly humming to Jugg by Fetty Wap ft Monty.

But i felt my phone vibrate on the desk.

von👹: come outside this classroom rq ma

I sighed and remembered what my nana said. Maybe...*gags* admit *gags* im wrong for once *gag*.

"Mr. Burt may i step out for a second?" I asked.

"Of course. Take the pass." He said pointing and i took off my headphones putting them in my bag. I pushed my phone into my pocket and got up. On my way out i grabbed the pass.

I opened the door and let it close behind me. I looked through the glass of the door leading to the stairwell and saw Dayvon leaned on the wall. I peeked my head out the door and he looked up when he heard the door opening.

"I'm sorry ma." Von said immediately and i smiled on the inside. At least i didnt have to say it first.

"For what?" I said trying to hide my happiness.

"For cussin at you. I know you'on like that shi. I'm sorry fa last night. That prolly won't be the last time I ask you ta piss on my hands though." He said making me laugh and I held out my arms and he hugged me with a smile.

"I know Von. I don't mind doing that. If you need help you know I have your back. Just be smarter when you do illegal things Dayvon. I don't want you getting arrested again." I said looking at him.

"I know ma. Gimme kiss." He said poking his lips out and I covered my face shy now because we're in school.

"Don't do that ma. Cmon." He said holding my waist and I just kissed him and he bit his lip looking at me.

"I aint even slide up on yo story ta tell you you look good like I wanted to ma. You had me fucked up fa a second." He said making laugh.

"What's up witchu? Yeen talking like you normally do." Von said and I let out a big breath.

Lowkey I've been DYING to tell him.

"It's a lot going on right now." I said shaking my head.

"What's wrong ma. Tell me." He said leaning on the wall and I smiled looking down.

"I have to go to my dad's trial in hour or 2." I said looking at the time on my Apple Watch.

"Damn his trial today?" He said.

"First day was yesterday. But I just...couldn't. But I promised him I would at least go to one day." I said.

"Why you'on wanna go ma? You go ta all my shits." He said.

"It's different when it's your dad. Seeing him walk in from the back in handcuffs. Everyone talking to him like he's an animal. And I hate only being able to hug him ONCE before they take him away again. And I know what my dad did. I don't want to be reminded of it." I said shaking my head.

"I understand you ma. Just show yo dad you in his corner. I know it takes a lot outta you. But it takes a lot out on a nigga not being able to even touch they family while they sittin up there. It hurt just as bad knowing you gotta walk away from yo family again." Von explained and I nodded.

I've never heard it from my dad's point of view before.

"Alright I'll go man. You criminals will not bring me down." I said shaking my head and he laughed.

"Aight go back ta class ma. Imma text you." Von said and i nodded. I kissed his cheek and he opened the door for me and i went back to class.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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