Part 56

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Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
October 20th
Sunday, 2:48 p.m.

Me and Dayvon went back to my apartment building and went to my room of course. When we left the mall we caught the bus back to town and went to Target and I got a pretty gift bag and tissue paper for my nana's gift.

When we got to my room Dayvon closed the door behind him and as I was about to start putting the boxes in the gift bag I heard Dayvon lock the door which made me look up with only my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I said and he laughed.

"I ain't doin nun ma. I'm just makin sure she don't come in hea while you wrappin ha gift and shi." He said coming and sitting on the bed next to me and i rolled my eyes.

"You sure that's the reason. Or are you trying to be sneaky and touch my princess parts." I said making him laugh and lay back.

"I'm always tryna do that but when you comfortable ma." He said laying back on my pillows. I started balling up the tissue paper and unballing it and putting it in the botto, of the bag.

"Why should I let you touch my princess parts." I said putting the box on top of the paper.

"You gone let me touch yo princess parts?" He said and I immediately shook my head. Out of the question Dayvon.

"No. Absolutely not. You're not even my boyfriend Dayvon. Hell no." I said laughing putting more tissue paper on top.

"Why you always gotta-man aight." He said.

"Why do I always have to what?" I said.

"Why yo ass always gotta drag the fuck outta it? Every damn time. You only not my girlfriend cause yeen agree to be like 2 months ago. And what was yo reason then?" He said.

"Because I don't completely trust you yet Dayvon. And you know that." I said putting the bag to the side and starting on the next one.

"It's been like 2 months tho ma. I ain't did shi disloyal or even weird. Have I not?" Von said and i was holding back a laugh.

My intentions are never to make anyone chase. But you have to admit, having someone chase you is entertaining.

"You haven't—"

"Then on BD I should be yo man. Fuck you talkin bout." He said sitting up.

"All of this over some princess parts?" I said.

"It's not about that. Stop fuckin doin that Sevyn. Stop. You laughin bout to piss me the fuck off on O." He said standing up and I straightened my face.

"Dayvon what do you want from me? I don't understand what you want." I said.

"I want you what the fuck you mean? Fuck you mean what I want from you. I want YOU. On O you gone stop playin wit me." He said and I covered my face and looked at Dayvon.

"You're yelling? Dayvon come here." I said.

"Nah. You keep doin this bullshit ma." He said.

"Dayvon come here please." I said and he came around the bed standing in front of me and I stood up.

"I want you Dayvon. I just do not want you to cheat on me. I don't. Because then that would mean I would have to leave you alone and never look back. For my respect sake. I don't talk to other boys. I assume you don't talk to other girls." I said.

"And I don't." He said still with an angry face.

"Then I'm with you Dayvon. We have to take it slow Dayvon. I don't trust you enough to have sex with you yet." I said.

"Ion wanna have sex yet if you don't want to ma. It ain't about that. Ion want you to think I'm startin shi witchu right now cause I wanna touch yo "princess parts". I'm makin it shit because I feel like you playin wit me ma. I fuck witchu. I'm tryin witchu. Don't do me like that." He said.

"I see you trying Dayvon. I care for you. You got me. I'm yours Von. Don't trip." I said and he bit his lip looking at me making me laugh.

"Say you mines again." He said.

"I'm yours Dayvon." I said and he kissed me.

"Yeah now post it on instagram." He said and i raised an eyebrow.

"You're pushing it. I never even posted Mark." I said shaking my head.

"Do I look like some lame ah nigga named Mark?" Von said.

"No but—"

"Then don't even try ta compare me ta that nigga. Fuck that." He said sitting down and I sighed.

"You're always a problem." I said sitting the bags to the side.

"I'm yo problem." He said laying on his back and I went over to him and climbed on his lap.

"Oh shit." Von said lifting his head up looking at me and I laughed.

"Oh shit ma whatchu doin?" He said resting his hands on my thighs.

"I'm just sitting." I said.

"On my lap." He said.

"You want me to get off?" I said and he stopped me.

"No no. Stay right here ma. Don't move too much unless you wanna feel a big ass rocket tho." He said getting his phone and I laughed. I got my phone and started recording Dayvon and when he noticed he stopped and put his phone down. And he started throwing up his gang.

"Stop messing up my video." I said pushing his hands down.

"O block or no block ya heard." Von said and I looked at him with a straight face and he laughed.

"Where we not from ma?" He said and I sighed.

"Say the wrong thing and imma beat yo ass." He said making me laugh.

"We not from 63rd." I said and I barely even know what the hell that means. I just know Dayvon tells me that all the time.

"Fuck them niggas off 63rd." Von said sticking his middle finger up and I stopped recording and put my phone down.

"Why do you have to mess up my video throwing up gang signs Dayvon." I said making him laugh.

"It's part of me ma." He said and I sighed.

"You know where I'm from ma?" He said.

"Chicago Dayvon." I said and he nodded.

"64th. I'm from 64th ma. That's who I am." He said.

"You're not just Von from O Block Dayvon." I said.

"Yeah I'm King Von from da O." He said and i just face palmed myself.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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