Part 39

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Sevyn POV

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Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
August 15th
Sunday, 1:36 p.m.

When everything got settled. Meaning Von just started swinging on them and i pulled him inside. Asian and her friends ended up leaving. I got the food and Von was still mad. But I got him food from Popeyes because I knew he would still be hungry.

And he got us a Uber and we went to my house. When we got inside Dayvon was still upset. I don't know how you can even manage to be mad about something for that long. But he kept the attitude.

We went straight to the kitchen where my nana was I sat the food in the counter and sighed and she laughed.

"I love your hair..what's wrong? Why you look like that Dayvon?" My nana asked.

"Asian and them dumb as-my bad. Asian and ha friends tried to jump Sevyn when we was in front of Chipotle." Dayvon said and my grandma's eyes furrowed.

"Jump? Jump? They tried to jump my baby?" My nana said.

"Yeah they punk asses tried to jump ha." Von said.

"Von punched all of them. I don't even think we need to continue to talk about this, honestly." I said shaking my head and Dayvon looked at me.

"Sevyn imma—"

"Do nothing. You're going to do nothing." I said looking at Von and he looked the other way and deeply sighed.

"Just get me a plate please ma." He said opening the Popeyes bag and I went over to the cabinet and gave him a plate. I gave my nana her bowl and a fork and she went to her room and I got my food and me and Von went to my room.

Dayvon POV

I'm in the room with Sevyn. And I'm being calm. I'm acting like everything is normal but when I leave from here. Oh I'm getting back on Asian and ha muhfuckin friends. Tryna jump my Sevyn when she wit me? Hell no. Hell no. Never goin fa that.

Sevyn doesn't really care because she just brushes everything negative off. But I give a fuck. I wanna indulge in the negativity. I'm spinnin on they ass.

When we finished our food Sevyn cleaned up and took everything to the trash and I went on my phone and texted Jae and Quincy telling them what I was doing.

law abiding citizens🫂

von: we spinnin tonight

jae: on who?

von: asian and ha friends just tried to jump sevyn

quincy: they tried to jump ha?
quincy: oh nah we deep asl

jae: where they gone be at?

von: imma text one of asian's hoe ass friends and come up wit sum
von: imma find out where all them bitches at

jae: what time?

von: imma tell ha around like 10
von: imma text ha now tho

quincy: aight

I went over to instagram and looked up one of Asian's friends. I kept a list of all they @ just in case Asian ever got outta line. But I never really been grimy like that to fuck one of ha friends. So I never used it. But now it's gone come in handy.

I searched up ha @ and I looked through her page and went through her following just to make sure she was still friends with Asian. I could keep it 100% a buck wit this girl and she still gone go fa what I'm doing.

Before I even pressed any buttons she messaged. But I told her to message me in vanish mode.

@theonlysarah101: hey von

@kingvonfrmdao: hey sarah wyd

@theonlysarah101: sittin up here wit asian
@theonlysarah101: she just told me how they ran down on some bitch not too long ago

@kingvonfrmdao: yeah she told me too
@kingvonfrmdaom sarah u ca do me a favor?

@theonlysarah101: anything

@kingvonfrmdao: where u, asian, and the rest of yall gone be at around 10

@theonlysarah101: in the same place

@kingvonfromdao: and where is that?

@theonlysarah101: yk the apartment buildings just by the highway by mcdonalds
@theonlysarah101: we probably gone be outside smoking by then

@kingvonfromdao: aight jus lmk when yall come outside then

Sevyn came back in the room and closed the door behind her.

"You have anywhere else you wanna go? I know it's early but I think I'm going to take a shower." Sevyn said going to her closet.

"Nah ma. Get comfortable. Take yo shower. I'm about to go cop this weed real fast and come back though." I said getting up and pulling up my pants and I went in the closet where she was.

"I'll be back in like a hour or so ma." I said and she nodded looking up at me.

"Gimme kiss." I said and poking out my lips and getting to her height and she kissed me twice.

"Aight ma." I said.

"Be safe please Von." She said as I left out.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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